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Find and click on your name.


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 36.5%

A:   198   Joined
B:   345   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Welcome to the Shadle Park High School Class of 1982 website!

Join us at the All-Class 60th Anniversary Celebration June 17th  being sponsored by  Shadle Boosters -

To log in for the first time click on Classmate Profiles (at the top), find your name on the list and click on it. You will be prompted to enter a password and email. That's all you need. You can access the site anytime and update your info. If you see a name without a profile please let people know!

Feel free to explore the site and catch up with your friends! If you have pictures you can add those too!

If you have questions or problems with the site let us know. Thanks!


Ted Miller  4/30
Janette Karas  5/1
Jeffrey Potesky  5/12
Shari Moscatelli  5/15
John Hodsdon  5/18
Jay Johnson  5/18
Paul Gregg  5/20