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Frequently Asked Questions

What does my ticket cover? 

It covers the appetizers and drinks (if purchased the alcohol option), the rental fee for the venue, DJ, photo booth, decorations, and prizes that will be given away during the reunion.

Are there any additional fees besides the base price and upsale menu option for open bar?

No, the 5.9% processing fee is already included in the ticket price. If PayPal or EventBrite was used, their fees would have been passed on to each purchase and it would have cost an additional $3-$5! The purpose is not to make any profit off of this, it's to simply have sufficient funds to be able to host the reunion for everyone to have a great time! 

When is the last day to purchase my ticket?

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Why is the last day to purchase the ticket so soon?

We need to be able to pay the Tin Roof for the even before the date of the event so they may keep the reservation for our event. 

What will happen if not enough tickets are sold? Will I get a refund?

Yes, if not enough tickets are sold to cover the minimum cost of the event, refunds will be issued and the event will be cancelled.

What can I do to help to avoid having the reunion cancelled?

Purchase your tickets right away! Spread the word! Bring a plus one! Make a small donation!

Can I purchase a ticket for my guest at a later date after I purchase my own ticket? 

Yes, you can come back to the website whenever to purchase your guest ticket subject to the price at the time of purchase.