Annette Knapp Caforio

Profile Updated: August 7, 2021
Residing In: Downey, CA
Spouse/Partner: widow
Occupation: little bit of everything !
Children: son, Scott, who is my heart.
Military Service: nope....I didn't like the clothes...
What was the most "fun" or "exhilarating" activity you've experienced in the past two years?

hmmmm.....having a dental implant....the most exhilarating experience I've had in ages....I've never had a dental procedure on the ceiling before....

What is it you hope to accomplish in the next five years?

...going to Pluto with Elon Musk....I think that's a D ticket in the coupon book....

What is your first instantaneous memory of Parkview?

those was like walking through a greenhouse!

Who was your favorite teacher and/or class and why?

I loved my Latin class...didn't like history, no matter who the teacher would have been....but always looked forward to going because David Martin sat by me...: )

What was your most embarrassing moment at Parkview?

you really want to know thisss??? goes......taking showers after PE when I was the only one with the chest of a boy......I tried using the excuse my mom sewed my clothes on me every morning....."there was a button shortage".....and, "metal was scarce, so zippers were too expensive"......nothing worked...: (

(annnd....that ain't the case no-mo.....NOTHING embarrasses me!)

What was your favorite song and who sang it?

ohsomanyyy.....I loved the rock 'n roll songs then. The Platters, Everly Brothers, Fats Domino, Elvis, Big Bopper, Roy Orbison, Johnny Mathis, Jay and the Americans....many more...'loved our music then....there hasn't been an era like that since, imho.

I'm learning to yodle....and want to hook up with Ron Ward and do a tour of Forsyth and make a CD...... : )

Describe your car and favorite destination:

I didn't have my own car.....but I will never forget that big, beautiful bronze and mostly chrome new Buick that belonged to Kay Stone's parents....who often allowed her to drive it to my house, pick me up and we would cruise Fisher's and Taylor's.....we were so full of ourselves...and KEWL !

I just bought a yellow Yugo....have been saving since graduation from PHS....goes 30 mph max.......everyone jealous out here in LA....they all keep honking at me on the freeways....: )

How have you changed since Parkview?

since 1959???......uhhhhhhhhhh...........

welll....lemme seeee...I'm not sure, because every morning, I cover my body with Super Glue......

What careers have you pursued?

North American Space Division 1960's (executive offices)
Kaiser Foundation Hospital 1970's (administration)

What has been your most exciting or interesting experience?

North American Space.....being a part and in the hub of one of our most important historical events.

(..a funny.... if I don't bore you .....One quiet afternoon at North American, I thought I'd try out my poo cushion on my boss.....sewwwww...put it under his seat cushion......Suddenly, he, another vice president, our President, Harrison Storms, three astronauts (Wally Schirra, Gus Grissom and Roger Chaffee) and Wernher von Braun came rushing into my boss' office....closed the door before I could sound the alarm, telling me, "not now, Netty".........then, complete silence....until.........yep, yew guessed it....."loud and clear" it was........I just knew that was the end of my North American one was laughing....'cause they really weren't boss came out with a red face.....told me to get rid of that THING.......and he never let me forget it.)

The people at North American were like a "big family"...everyone pulled together...there was a wonderful blend of levity and seriousness (astronauts included).....many times my boss would burn the midnight oil and sometimes I would come in to discover he was still there from the day get the project done.....that's the way things were ....the morale was high.......until January 27, 1967, when Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee were killed on the launch pad when a flash fire engulfed their command module during testing for the first Apollo/Saturn mission. North American took the hit, but there was much more to that story.

I loved the experience at Kaiser Hospital....such a different view from the inside. .....stories that would curl yer toes...and others that would warm your heart....

It was the best of times at both North American and Kaiser....when you worked hard and had fun at the same time.......and, there was room for the human condition....

What do you do these days to have fun?

sit on our patio and sip a Dr. Pepper......

orrrrr.....go parasailing.....ride a roller coaster.........nahhhhhh.....the patio/Dr. Pepper thing sounds jussssst fine...........

...however I did add a catapult to my patio chair.....only twice have I wound up in my neighbor's pool....but finally adjustments have been I just hit the wall.....I'm getting there....

What is it you still hope to do/accomplish?

see my grandchildren grow up and be happy...

and maybe one day I'll grow up......but not likely....


I enjoy hearing and reading what each of my classmates are doing...have done....the years have passed so quickly. I would imagine most of us would change some things along the way had we been able to look into a crystal ball and see our lives unfold to today......My wish for each of you is your choices have been mostly good ones.

I have enjoyed living in Los Angeles.....and still, "I LOVE LA !!" : )))

School Story:

My school story is the typical 1950's school years....just like you see in the boyfriend, Jim, whom I went steady engaged my senior year.....broke up after graduation and I came to California to go to college....he still has a special place in my heart. I will never forget my school pals....Conita Cole (I used to tote Conita on the back of my bicycle when we went to Sunshine....when we rode the school bus while at Jarret, I would give her the Indian burn and she would sink her fingernails in my arm....we got kicked off the bus), Pat Crone, Patty Van Hook (at Sunshine, I would always copy all their artwork ideas...since I had no originality whatsoever and they were such incredible artists), Kay Stone, Shirley Casteel, Deanna Justice, Kathleen Krebs, Jonna Hooper, Connie Pauls, Jeresa Moore, Sherry Evans, Beverly...uhhhhh..... forgive me, it's late and my brain attrifies after 11........such neat friends...all of 'em....

I also note that Dave Smith became a close and dear friend to me in recent years....he and his sweet wife Ann. I miss him.

Annette's Latest Interactions

Annette Knapp Caforio has left an In Memory comment for Sid Bowers.
Mar 24, 2022 at 7:30 AM

I am so saddened to learn of Sid's passing.....I remember him so well....always kind, friendly and so smart...And, it was his humility, being who he was, that impressed me so.   My deepest condolences to his family......."You did good here, Sid"....and you are missed by all who knew you

Annette Knapp Caforio added a photo to profile gallery.
Aug 07, 2021 at 7:14 AM
Aug 07, 2021 at 6:25 AM
Annette Knapp Caforio has left an In Memory comment for David Martin.
May 01, 2021 at 6:18 AM

I remember David well.....he sat behind me in history class....and loved teasing me from time to time, watching me turn red.....he would smile that big smile....tickled him ....didn't me......but I also had a crush on him....'would never tell him.....I do wish I had gotten to know David, especially in later years....I had no idea he went so far in aerospace....and how impressive he was in making quite a name for himself...and honored, as he was.  We could have talked for hours exchanging experiences.....I'm glad to read he had such a good, rewarding life...'loved about the animals and his black cat.....Rest in peace, Davd Martin....I'm proud to have been classmates with you....

Annette Knapp Caforio has left an In Memory comment for Profile.
Jan 27, 2021 at 10:49 PM

I didn't know John that well, but I do remember him....I remember him as a kind, gentle soul.....So sad to learn his passing....My condolences to his family.....We are slowly losing more and more of our classmates....."life"....we never know when our time we live each day to the fullest and best we can....Seems John did....God bless his soul.....I'm sure He has....

Annette Knapp Caforio has left an In Memory comment for Donald Butts.
Jan 17, 2021 at 2:54 AM

I remember Don Butts very well....I think most of us do......He was a special man....

Thank you for sharing the email with us by Matt Bowers, Whit....a wonderful tribute to our Don....

Annette Knapp Caforio has left an In Memory comment for Profile.
Jan 02, 2021 at 4:49 AM

Luanne was always smiling....always spoke to smart....I envied that....and wanted to be as smart as she was...She definitely was one of Parkview's finest.   We lost another and this brings tears....we are making way for the new....I pray they keep the same spirit and fortitude we had.....

Annette Knapp Caforio has left an In Memory comment for Tom Groundwater.
Jan 02, 2021 at 4:37 AM

I am so sad to hear of another classmate's passing....Tom Groundwater...I remember him so well....He was "conspicuous" to say the least.....wanted to be !!.....He will be very missed....his memory, however, indelibly in our hearts and minds!  Rest in Peace our dear classmate and kind soul.....

Jun 09, 2020 at 10:58 PM

I remember Sandra King very well.....she was a very sweet girl, quiet..and always had a infectuous smile for you....always said hello.....I'm sorry to hear of her passing...God bless her soul...I'm sure He has....

Posted: Aug 07, 2021 at 7:14 AM