Jane Walker Thomas

Profile Updated: August 30, 2011
Jane Walker
Residing In: Ozark, MO USA
Spouse/Partner: Robert Thomas
Occupation: retired
Children: Cindy Byers-Reynolds, Trent Reynolds, Lance Reynolds. Sharon Thomas-Snow, Brian Thomas. Five Grandchrildren
Yes! Attending Reunion
What was the most "fun" or "exhilarating" activity you've experienced in the past two years?

The year 2010 was a heart-breaking year due to the lost of my mother and the unexpected death of my son Lance (43 years old) one month later.

Many Thanks for the loving support of my Parkview Friends. You have made my burden bearable.

What is your first instantaneous memory of Parkview?

My senior year was jam-packed with family, school activies and friends. These were truly "Happy Days". I had more fun than anyone should be allowed and remember only the happiest of times. If my Father and Mr. Graff had not intervened, this year would have been completely different for me. Because our family moved to a new home outside city limits, this changed my school boundary. I was told on a Friday that I was being transferred to Central on Monday. My Dad pleaded my case with Mr. Graff and he granted me permission to return to Parkview on Monday to finish my senior year. I was grateful to a compassionate man that understood the importance of this year to me and graduating with my class.

Who was your favorite teacher and/or class and why?

Miss Johnson and I worked together on assemblies, talent shows, drama class presentations and "Ms J" taught me to organize, produce, and direct productions. This background became useful in later years for as a Travel Agent I gave many presentations.

What was your most embarrassing moment at Parkview?

Jerry England and I got "kicked-out" of Teen Town for doing the dirty bop. It was said the dance was lewd and suggestive. Can you imagine sweet, wonderful Jerry England being lewd and suggestive?

How have you changed since Parkview?

My circumstances have changed. Lonely and turbulent years were replaced with happy and joyful years married to Bob Thomas.

School Story:

How I miss Miss J, dance partners and drama buddies and the many skits we thought of to perform. Tony Alberti, Patty Derrickson, and I did a Charleston routine performing at school activities. David Karchmer and I did a pantomine act performing for civic groups around town.Steve Emanuel and I wrote a play, a horror story casting the drama class. David Smith sang in our assemblies and talent shows until he got into trouble with the school for shaking like Elvis during his last performance. He was our Hero! My sorority rented a huge circus tent and set-up in the backyard of my home overlooking the James River. We had a bunking party of 50 girls sharing stories and talking about boys all night. My soroity memories are of bonding relationships rather than hazing initiations. Mike Case, Tom Crab, and Don Butts, known as "Zulu Symphony Band,", played at a graduation party held at our house. Our field and roads were full of cars and kids celebrating their last fling together before we scattered to pursue our futures. As I look back over the 50 years since high school graduation, a deep nostalgia penetrates my heart. There is nothing as devasting as the loss of family members and many of our classmates have passed as well. However, in 1959 life was wonderful and I remember the happy days with family and friends. The fun innocent times of the 50"s and carefree happy years at Parkview are now memories I cherish forever.

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Oct 07, 2023 at 3:33 AM
Jane Walker Thomas has a birthday today.
Oct 07, 2022 at 3:33 AM
Jane Walker Thomas has a birthday today.
Oct 07, 2021 at 3:33 AM
Jane Walker Thomas has a birthday today.
Oct 07, 2020 at 3:33 AM
Jane Walker Thomas has a birthday today.
Oct 07, 2019 at 3:33 AM
Jane Walker Thomas has a birthday today.
Oct 07, 2018 at 3:33 AM
Jane Walker Thomas has a birthday today.
Oct 07, 2017 at 3:33 AM
Jane Walker Thomas has a birthday today.
Oct 07, 2016 at 3:33 AM
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Oct 07, 2015 at 3:33 AM