Anthony Dowdican, 82'

Profile Updated: December 5, 2014
Class Year: 1982
Residing In: West Glacier, MT
Spouse/Partner: Jennifer Nelson
Occupation: Glacier National Park, Director of Human Resources
Children: Danny, 1990

Yes! Attending Reunion

It's great to see SJA built this site and I look forward to catching up with some old friends.

I decided in 2004 to spend a summer in Montana's Glacier National Park - hiking, fishing and kayaking. Well... I'm just as captivated and still here.
It's an incredible place, but you still can't beat being home for the holidays.
To everyone from 82' - I'd love to hear from you !

School Story:

Mrs. Michalik waking me up to tell me I would never make it out of her class

Sarge's wisecracks - god bless her - and father Mitchells jokes

Anthony's Latest Interactions

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Dec 05, 2014 at 12:04 AM
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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:43 PM
only in Glacier Park
Posted: Mar 08, 2014 at 12:00 AM
hiking to the top of the world