In Memory

James Walkenbach

James Walkenbach

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03/28/11 10:07 AM #1    

Gary Barnett

Jim "Sretch" Walkenbach was the second tallest guy in our class at 6'6".  He was only second to  Tom Carter at 6'7".  Jim was physically a late bloomer regarding sports but not in the classroom.  Jim received an appointment to West Point and graduated as an Astro-Physicist or "Rocket Scientist."

In high school Jim drove this big station wagon and we would all pile in to go somewhere and do the craziest things both to and from a ball game, a dance or Steak & Shake.  My seven brothers and sisters loved stretch because he was such a cut-up.

Jim was a Major doing research when he suffered a heart attack and was subsequently released by the Army.  They paid for his retraining to be a Doctor of Chiropractic.  The Army suggested medical school but he wanted to follow the footsteps of his father.  He later developed a practice and also taught at Logan Chiropractic before moving to California, where there was a better climate for his profession and practice.  I lost touch after his move.

If anyone has any additional informationn about Jim, please share it. 

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