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Karen King Hommelson

Karen King
Residing In: Park Hills, MO USA
Spouse/Partner: Joel Hommelson
Children: Ryan 37; Jodi 32

Married Joel Hommelson 10-12-68. We have 2 great kids, Ryan (3 children) and Jodi (4 children). Moved to Farmington, MO in 1973 and have enjoyed a life in the county with dogs, horses and grandchildren!

Favorite high school memory:

Having good friends like Dee Meffert, Janice Martin, and Barb Streb at fun slumber parties AND double dating with Dan Teich and Dee Meffert. Oh, what carefree and fun times!

Favorite 60's song:

"Pretty Woman" by Roy Orbison

What was your favorite high school "hang out"?

