
We will be publishing an online directory which will include all classmates who would like to participate. Only the classmates who have registered on our website will be able to see this directory. If you agree, we will also be forwarding contact information to the Bayless Alumni Association so they may keep in touch with you.  Please answer the questions below to indicate your preferences. You may make changes at any time and we will attempt to keep the directory updated in a timely manner.

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Do you want your address to appear in the online directory?

Yes No
2)   * Do you want your phone number to appear in the online directory?

Yes No
3)   * Do you want your email address to appear in the online directory?

Yes No
4)   * Do you want us to forward your contact information to the Bayless Alumni Association so they may update their records?

Yes No
5)   If you have any comments or questions, enter them here:


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