In Memory

Roger Chasteen

Roger Chasteen

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11/01/14 10:52 AM #1    

Robert C. Keller

Roger Chasteen died May 10, 1967 in Viet Nam.  PFC, US Marines.

05/04/15 03:20 PM #2    

Elmer W. Erutti

By one means and another, I learned about his platoon leader, who was at that time in Viet Nam, a Marine Corp Lieutenant.  According to him, Roger died trying to rescue either a wounded or dying Marine.  He asked his platoon leader if he could have permission to try and bring the man back to safety.  The Lieutenant said absolutely not.  Roger insisted he had to try and set out to rescue his comrade.  During this attempt he was shot and killed.  His platoon leader had many complimentary things to say about Roger and his service as a Marine.  He also shared that he really grieved at Roger's passing.  This event took place over 10 years ago and I believe this to be a true account. 

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