In Memory

Nancie Hebard (Boedy)

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05/02/15 06:02 PM #1    

Elmer W. Erutti

I didn't know Nancie Hebard very well, but I felt that some comment should be left to commemorate her passing.

She was a quiet, attractive girl with a bright smile and pleasant demeanor and I found it a pleasure to be in her

company.  I was always taken by her soulfull eyes and the way that she had of just looking at you.  It made you feel

that you knew her all your life.  I am deeply saddened at her passing and feel the world is a poorer place without


05/08/15 10:04 PM #2    

Mary Bolliger (Bruning)


Mary Bolliger Bruning

Nancie Hebard was a very special friend in high school. We kept in touch during our college years but lost track of each other as the years went by. I was devastated when I read on this website that she had died this past March. The last I knew  she lived in Atlanta so I did a search for Atlanta obituaries and found one for her. I posted a message to her family on the funeral home website. Pete Boedy, her former husband, called me and we had a very special visit about Nancie. Although they were divorced, they remained dear and faithful friends until Nancie's death. They have two daughters and are blessed with several grandchildren. It is very sad to me that so many of our classmates have died. We all need to be grateful for each new day.

05/08/15 10:28 PM #3    

Marianne Rott (Murphy)

Thanks Mary for your words about Nancie. She was a beautiful person inside and out. I feel the same way about making each day count.

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