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•   Lori Weiler (Weiler)  11/8
•   Jamie Haagen (Parres)  9/2
•   Christopher Williams  4/14
•   Candace Timpte  3/9
•   Carl Meyer (Meyer)  2/2
•   Laura Beck (Larrigan)  1/3
•   Melanie Eckert (Kaminski)  1/3
•   Beatrice Currier  12/31
•   Debra Waldron (Polizzi)  9/8
•   Sheryl Kardell (Slyman)  9/7
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

6 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
23 live in California
9 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
2 live in Delaware
21 live in Florida
6 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
27 live in Illinois
5 live in Indiana
3 live in Iowa
11 live in Kansas
2 live in Kentucky
2 live in Louisiana
5 live in Michigan
2 live in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
637 live in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
2 live in Nebraska
1 lives in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
4 live in New York
7 live in North Carolina
4 live in Ohio
2 live in Oklahoma
1 lives in Oregon
2 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Rhode Island
3 live in South Carolina
3 live in Tennessee
15 live in Texas
3 live in Virginia
5 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
2 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in United Kingdom
73 location unknown


   If you're a Lindbergh High School Class of 1978 Alumni - Click on the "Classmates Profiles"  link then find and click on your name to register on the site. We have pre-loaded the most current information we have for you.  Please read the "First Time Visitors" page!  Create your profile and please don't forget to add some recent photos of yourself, your family, children, grandchildren. It's FREE to join, totally secure & password protected! 


Sometimes we might wonder whatever happened to "who". For the most part, we spent up to 4-5 years in each other's daily lives (and for many of us, additional school years prior to high school.) So many of us created great, lifelong friends. Even so, sometimes certain circumstances may have separated us OR our lives became too busy to keep up with one another. There is no better time to reconnect with old friends than right here on our class website!


We also welcome faculty members that have strong ties with our class. We can add your name to the list as our guest for you to complete your registration and set up your profile. Please Contact us. 


You can also e-mail classmates and friends or send a message directly from their profiles. You can post comments on  "Classmate Profiles". Leave remembrances of our departed classmates on our "In Memorium" page.


This is our Class of 1978 website, a work in progress! Please check back often, We have a class reunion here every day! We are always adding something related to those great years our class spent all that time together at Lindbergh ... once a Flyer, always a Flyer!



Once you've registered, be sure to: Save your username & login information somewhere safe & secure. Update your profile and Upload some photo's to your profile by clicking Edit/Upload Photos and generally let your classmates know what you've been up to. Be sure to check out the user forums often.


Also - Look at the "Need Contact Information" page. If you know the whereabouts of any of these classmates please call them and tell them about this website. This website was created to reconnect with as many classmates as we can, your participation is essential for it to succeed!





All contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address) entered into this website will be kept confidential. It will not be shared or distributed. Your contact information and email address are also kept private: When someone clicks on your name, the only contact information they will see is your city, state, and whatever information about yourself you choose to put on your Profile. Under the new privacy laws, you CAN NOT grant permission on your Profile for your address and phone numbers to be displayed. Your home address and your e-mail address can only be seen by the Site Administrator.  All messages are sent internally through the website by using the contact box at the bottom of your Classmates Profile page.


This website is absolutely free to all members of  LHS Class of 1978. Your information from this website, including your email address, is not made available to anyone. Our class owns the domain and creates the content. We don't carry any advertising.  We are not affiliated at all with pay sites such as       


Email notifications from this website:  For those of you with spam blocking or email filtering capabilities, please add to your email account as a safe sender in order to receive email communication from this website. We are getting some "bounce back" emails from several of you and don't want you to miss receiving emails from other classmates!  

Thanks for stopping by,  be sure to come back soon!