In Memory

Karl Teepe*

Karl W. Teepe


Age: 57


Hometown: Centreville, Va., USA


Occupation: Civilian employee, Defense Information Agency


Location: Ground, Pentagon


"It was his 50th birthday. We were getting our passes for the historic area. They were laid on a table when they were finished. His was the funniest picture. He picked it up and immediately started laughing. He showed it to us and we were all just laughing, laughing, laughing. Every place we would go to in the historic area that day, he would say to the person sitting by the door, 'Have you ever seen such a picture?' He carried it in his wallet, and for years he would randomly pull it out and we would all laugh some more. It was still in his wallet when he was killed. I said, 'Well, if there are any personal effects returned we would like to have that ID card back.' Somehow it survived. It's charred around the edges, but you can still see the funny face. We miss Karl's great sense of humor." --Donna Teepe, wife


Karl Teepe would sometimes take the Metro from the Pentagon to the Mall on his lunch break. He'd sit in a sculpture garden, or one of the Smithsonian Institution galleries, just to let the beauty sink in.

It had been a beautiful year. His daughter Wendy, 28, got married. His son Adam, 22, graduated from college.

"I think we were the most important thing to him," said Adam.

The family wanted to find a photograph that seemed appropriate. His Army and Defense Intelligence Agency IDs wouldn't do. For those, he would always make the funniest face possible. They chose the one from Wendy's wedding -- the glowing father of the bride.

Karl W. Teepe, 57, was born in St. Louis. He worked as a budget analyst. At home in Centreville, he spent his time making his surroundings beautiful -- the yard, the deck, the house. He took classes on the human genome, the Civil War, painting.

"Every time I came home, he had some exhibit I had to see," Wendy said.

At Christmas, he told the stories during the family slide show, bringing alive years of memories.

Before his Pentagon office was struck, he and his wife, Donna, planned a night out to see Garrison Keillor.

"We still have the tickets," she said.

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09/03/12 02:09 PM #2    

Darlene Jost (Aut)

So many memories.  Meadows elementary school, Donna and Karl.  Riverview Junior High, Donna and Karl. Riverview High, Donna and Karl.  College at Mizzou with Donna, always hearing about Karl, at school in Ilinois.  I susrprised them and came to their wedding--I was living in Pensacola, Fla.

Margie Kearns Foster and I kept in touch with Donna and Karl.  Visited their incredibly nice home in D.C. area.  They went with us to dinner and the Marine Barracks Review in D.C.   That's the last time I saw Karl, 1984.

Overwhelming sadness and sorrow when I learned he was gone.  Karl is so much a part of my memories.

Karl was an incredible man, husband, father and friend.  

I miss him.

09/08/16 09:18 AM #3    

Arlan Dohrmann

Since Sunday is 15 years since the devastating loss of a great guy and so many other fine individuals, I had to say how much I admired Karl when we were in high school so long ago.  Karl was definitely a leader and was one of the few guys I knew who played golf, but more importantly, he was fun to be around.   We continue to remember Karl as someone we were glad was part of our lives as teenagers or later in life, but most importantly we remember and will never forget all the goods things about Karl..

09/09/16 08:55 AM #4    

Susan Albrecht (Jackson)

Thank you, Arlan for saying what we feel, but sometimes, just can't find the words.  Karl truly was fun to be around, and I'm glad he and Donna had as much time together as they did.  Good memories of Karl and them both together.

09/09/16 04:09 PM #5    

Jerrold B. Koob

From Jerry Koob...

Karl stories reminded me of a really neat medium brown "fuzzy-looking" sweater he had that I really wanted, so I coerced a younger non-RGHS girlfriend to buy me one for Christmas during our sophomore year. Later, after graduation, Nettie Louise Ogden and I started dating, and she simply could not stand to see me wear that favorite sweater -- ever! -- because she knew who gave it to me. She called it the "Karl Teepe Fuzzy" sweater.

Oh, how I wish she could say those words today!

Since our class pages have apparently been shut down, and this is the only remaining message thread I have been able to find, allow me to share my sad news:

My dear sweet Nettie Louise (nee Ogden) Koob died May 3, 2015, at St. Lukes Medical Center in St. Louis. This followed a severe health decline since 2010, one that never got better, just worse, and caused us to miss the 2012 50-year reunion we were both so looking forward to. Such is life. I loved her so much even as we headed for a 50-year wedding anniversary that was also not to be. 

---Jerrold B. Koob




09/09/16 06:08 PM #6    

Margie Kearns (Foster)

Jerry....What a great tribute to Nettie & Karl....I loved them both.

      I have such fond memories of all  3 of you! Karl, Nettie and you, Jerry, made me laugh! 

    Love to all!   Margie


09/09/16 06:10 PM #7    

Margie Kearns (Foster)

       Karl.....we will NEVER forget!     Love you! Margie




09/10/16 04:10 PM #8    

Donna Detert (Teepe)

What a wonderful surprise to find these comments about Karl this morning.  You all are sweet to remember him and to take the time to say something special about him.  Remembering him (and all others killed that day) is very important to me.  Plus I love hearing "stories" about him.  Obviously I still think about and miss him every day.  I talk about him all the time (usually in reference to something that needs to be done around the house...yes, he was a great handyman, or what would he say or do in a certain situation...he always knew the right thing to say or do!)  I look at my 3 (a 4th will be here soon) grandchildren and wish he was here to share the joy of them with me...I know he would have been a great grandpa.

Jerry Koob...thank you for the story about Karl's fuzzy sweater.  As I was reading what you wrote, a sweater popped in my mind...I'm sure it must be the one you referred to...looking for a picture of him in it!  (I didn't know it was such a popular item...glad you were able to have one, but sorry it came from the wrong person!)  I was so sorry to hear about Nettie.  I know you also think about her every day and miss her very much.  I hope your family is near by to help you and offer comfort. Nettie was a sweetheart and had such a great sense of humor. I know she and Karl were friends at Riverview...maybe they are chatting and joking around up in heaven!!  

We went to Arlington National Cemetary earlier today to bring flowers and say Hi to Karl.  (I will try and attach a photo, but don't know if it will work!)  Tomorrow we have a ceremony at the Pentagon Memorial which we are expecting Pres. Obama to attend (they never confirm until the last minute). Again, I am grateful that ceremonies are held and Karl is remembered.  9/11 can never be forgotten!

Hi & Hugs to all and hope to see you all at the 55 year reunion next year.


09/10/16 04:35 PM #9    

Margie Kearns (Foster)

Karl was a great friend! I grew up with him and Donna! They are a part of who I am. How lucky I was to have been a part of their lives! Loved him, and love you, Donna!     Margie


09/10/16 04:43 PM #10    

Joseph Schardl

Donna, I have been to Arlington cemetery several times and it's hard to put into words the overwhelming feelings that came over me - such gratitude to the many fallen who sacrificed for our freedom and also the ache in my heart for those families who suffered unbearable loss. Karl, was one such soul and we pray you will know that those of us who felt so helpless at that time of great crisis will always be thankful for the life of service and dedication of your special loved one. We pray also for God's continued outpouring of love and peace for you and your family. Joan Schardl

09/11/16 06:42 PM #11    

Phyllis Fey (Gebhards)

I have read the great comments about Karl and want to add my thankfulness for what he did in service to our country. I have been to the Pentagon and made sure that I sound his name in the book and now on the the memorial. The memorial is a beautiful and place and a wonderful tribute to all who lost their lives that day. I wish you and your family the very best.


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