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08/19/08 06:26 PM #1    

Bobbi Strand (Piasecki)

Welcome to the St Agnes High School Class Of 1978 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

08/28/08 08:02 PM #2    

Susan Bakeman (Daniels)

Sorry to hear the date for the reunion...I have a daughter getting married that week! I will remember you all fondly as we give our daughter away in marriage and will toast you all that night! I would love to hear from old email is on this website. Great job who ever put this one together! Well done! Thanks for sparking the memories! Have fun at Tartan Park!
Sue (Bakeman) Daniels

08/28/08 09:25 PM #3    

Mary Ellen Clasemann

Sorry, I won't be able to attend the 30th Reunion. I will be going with our parish on a pilgrimage to the new Our Lady Of Guadelupe Shrine in La Crosse Wi. I pray you will have good weather, safe travel and a great time.

09/06/08 03:14 AM #4    

Diane Carlton (DeLaForest)

Thanks for putting so much into the website. It's wonderful.

01/17/09 12:07 PM #5    

Kay Huberty (Ritchie)

Thank you for providing and updating the website. In the past I have not been able to participate in the reunions but I do look forward to receiving the newsletter. I turn to the page where the News From a Few is located and search for entries from that golden year of 1978. Okay, it wasn't golden. It wasn't even silver unless you count the disco balls, but it was a good year none the less.(Except for the clothes, the hair, the make up.....what were we thinking?) I told myself over and over to write in and let everyone know what's going on in my life. Not that my life is something that should be shouted from the rooftops, but just an update. (Boy, are you in for it now!) Like most of you, (I haven't figured out if we're the smart ones or the stupid ones), I'm married. Have been for almost 29 years. (Again, the smart or stupid thing!) My husband and I have 2 grown boys - kind of an oxymoron issue there since there's no such thing as a grown boy! Anyway, physically they are
28 and 25 years old. Adam, the oldest, has 2 kids of his own. Please believe me when I say, grandchildren are the reward for not killing your children. There is nothing on this earth that is better than hearing that little one say, "I love you Grandma", and then giving you a kiss and hug. Blaine, boy #2, recently got married and I will be getting another grandchild in August.
I work at TJ Maxx as an operations manager. Every morning, like so many others, I get up, look at myself in the mirror, scream, and repeat over and over, I love my job, I love my job. (I'm really VERY thankful for my job. They treat me well!)
Are you bored yet? Started screaming for someone to stab you in the eyes so you won't have to read any more? Don't worry, I'm ending it. (The update, not my life)
Hope to hear from some of you others who also thought, "Gee, I should update with my old classmates sometime", and then never do it. And to all of you who look back on the years and think, that's when you had a great body, or so much hair,or thought that our music was the only music, or those were the best times of your life, you probably need glasses, or a hearing aid, or you should contact your doctor because Alzheimers is setting in. No matter the economy, every day is the best of our lives. Life just gets better and better with age - or maybe it's that we don't care. Either way, it's great to be old! I mean older, no,no, I mean middle aged, yeah, that's it, the prime of our lives!
Stay warm, happy, healthy, and may God bless us all.
Kay Huberty(I haven't written that after my first name in 29 years!)Ritchie

06/09/09 12:39 AM #6    

David Tousley

Bobbi, Nice job on the website. I happened to bump into Lynn Brown (McCarty) the other day. She said I should check it out. Sorry I missed the reunion. That image of Peter Frampton on the top of this page is killing me...
Keep up the good work and see all y'all next time around.

09/11/09 02:53 PM #7    

Jane Diebel (Marcotte)

Sorry to hear the date has been changed for the get together. If anyone is interested in getting together the next weekend I will be in town for some family functions. (weekend of October 9-11) It was great to see so many of you last year.

Jane(Diebel) Marcotte

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