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05/03/20 05:49 PM #1749    


Steven Bilderback

Hi Dave,
I trust all is well with you and the family.
FYI: I just found out that my neighbors are splitting up, she wants to go back to Germany where her elderly parents live. It looks like that house will be on the market, it's not a big house on 5 to 6 acres. They have their own carpentry business so it is a pretty nice downsize house.

05/26/20 09:05 AM #1750    


David Frazer

Hope everyone had a great holiday yesterday! I enjoyed time with my family. Anyone do something extraordinary? This experience has been like practice-retirment for so many people. I failed. Anyone have a successful retirement? What did you do to accomplish it? Blessings!

06/07/20 11:25 AM #1751    


Douglas Kladis

Yes, Dave I finley mad it.  I retired from DOC November 2018 moved to Cottenwood AZ for a bit and got a partime job as a Security Officer and as of Janurary this Year I now live in Dewey AZ and as of April 30 of this year every day is Saturday 

06/08/20 05:14 PM #1752    


David Frazer

Sounds great, Doug!

06/10/20 12:36 PM #1753    

Robert Ayre

Ha! Retired only means getting new tires! I can't sit still. So far spring/summer has been great. I have been out biking and kayaking a number of times. Besides no protests on the water and nothing to burn or loot. At the reunion we talked about getting together to go canoeing. I hope we can still do it.

06/11/20 08:07 AM #1754    


David Frazer

Thanks Bob! Tippecanoe and Tyler too? Hope that doesn't 'Whig' you out. Anyone else concerned about the censorship of history? The soldiers at the time did not censor these POW's and yet, I think the people at the time were appalled (Think of the song, Praise God, and Pass the Ammunition). When I saw a picture of the two tombstones, I was shocked. They are among 140 for World War II POWs at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery in San Antonio, Texas, have a swastika inside a German cross and inscribed, “He died far from his home for the Führer, people, and fatherland.” Another gravestone in the military cemetery in Salt Lake City is marked with a swastika. Lots of trouble in this world; yet, when I saw this my stomach rolled. Then I thought, it is good to have that ugly pit in my stomach, reminding me of the darkest point in history and the people who made it that way.  I am not sure censoring history is such a good thing. Does anyone remember the “hippy” teachers that wanted to shock us little 7th graders in the fall of 1968? They prefaced the class movie with, “If you have to go to the bathroom, you don’t have to ask permission.” Then we watched the Nazi atrocities. Pretty tough to watch as a 12-year-old. We are now the older people, having lived some of the history that the kids are learning about. I am curious to hear from my classmates. Also, does anyone else enjoy looking at the dates of people we knew in the 1970’s and thinking about when they were born (i.e., 1880’s).

06/11/20 12:41 PM #1755    

Kevin Girard

I am saddened that people think erasing history is the answer. We have allowed the news outlets to destroy our young people and some of us.  Along with so called teaching institutions. The more we have allowed our society to remove God from it, the crazier the world has become. I have lived in the Middle East and worked in other countries and can tell you we are still the best place in the world for freedom. But we are quickly giving it up. Sorry I needed to vent!

06/12/20 11:09 AM #1756    


David Frazer

Don't be sorry, Kevin. You didn't vent, you shared. We are in such a world that people express to me almost daily they are afraid of their voice being misunderstood or worse, censored. I think when I post... "did I put my foot in my mouth again?" I think the darkest country I have been in is Saudi Arabia... fear overrides the land. But I shared the truth anyway... because that is what we enjoy the most. That is what I enjoy about my God, He didn't make a robot (and the irony is, that is the biggest complaint people make about Him..."If He is God, why doesn't He force His will on us").  Say what you think! Allow others to speak. The truth wins in the end (Just might take time until heaven's door for someone to accept the truth) wink p.s. Thank you for your post!

06/22/20 02:17 PM #1757    


David Frazer

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer! A third of the summer is almost gone! Where is that canoe/kayak trip?

06/23/20 04:03 PM #1758    


Tom Birkholm

And the days are getting shorter like my memory.


06/23/20 10:08 PM #1759    

Robert Ayre

I will cheat and wish everyone with June birthdays a very HAPPY birthday! All the very best! Sometimes I feel like I am watching the sand hour glass running out of time. Dave, that would be great if yo in could plan the trip! Before summer runs out. The croix is close.

06/24/20 04:50 PM #1760    


David Frazer

A true delegator, Bob. I'm afraid, you may have to ask someone who loves to canoe more than I. They would know all the big and small intricacies. As I type, I'm thinking of a few intricacies and the people from our class who could answer any questions. You know who you are:) wink  Tom, I can't remember what you said. smiley

07/05/20 06:43 AM #1761    


David Frazer

Happy fourth (day late)! What did you do?

07/06/20 07:53 PM #1762    

Robert Ayre

Happy birthday to all of the July classmates! I hope everyone has a great day. Dave, I went up north and spent time with my kids and grandson. Always great to have family time. Did some kayaking and fishing. I even shocked myself by catching a couple bass. Released!

07/06/20 07:57 PM #1763    

Robert Ayre

Wishing everyone a great safe summer! Is there anyone wanting to get together for some canoeing and kayaking and a picnic? Please let me know so we can arrange a date.

07/06/20 08:09 PM #1764    


Steven Kaufhold

I think Kevin Moore and I have July 19 for birthday. On the 4th the residents near Kingston park put on another great fireworks show.. the city bowed out this year

07/07/20 11:30 AM #1765    


David Frazer

Sounds like a great time, Bob! Time for our puns: While you were fishing, did you scale back the amount of bait you bought? Steve, I do not like fireworks. They have not been good to me, over the years. My wife Sue, on the other hand, loves them.

07/07/20 11:34 AM #1766    


David Frazer

Bob, should we have a COVID-19 party like the college age kids do? I have never seen an era in my life where things are so divided, even on a person's view of the pandemic. Who thought we might tell (generally) what party you vote for by if you wear a mask or don't? Can't we all just get along?laugh By the way, we drove with in a mile of the park we had our get together a few years ago. How did Donna put together a get-together like that? Sure was fun!

07/08/20 09:46 AM #1767    


Theodore Williams

I have to say that the politicizing of science is the biggest head scratcher there is.  I think I got a good education from Costigam and McDougall at Park and in monitoring the Cottage Grove Facebook page there's no doubt that district 833 no longer teaches science.  The only possible conclusion.  

07/08/20 05:08 PM #1768    


John Cavanaugh

I am still up for a canoe trip and a picinic.  Pick a Saturday and I suggest to keep it simple.  How about a trip around lower Grey Cloud Island?

07/08/20 07:10 PM #1769    


Michael Wade

Ted,  I agree.  Outright science denial is a head scratcher.  The physics of the atmospheric greenhouse effect is well understood.   As is the epidemiology of viruses.   Well, the beauty of physics (or any science) is that it doesn’t matter what you believe, it just is.

07/09/20 09:28 AM #1770    


Brent Reimnitz

Yeah, science is ignored in many areas.  In the latest AARP magazine (yes we're that old) there's an interview with Alan Alda.  He puts it well in one comment; "Pockets of people still think science is just another opinion".  I guess some people only believe what they want to believe, or what supports their opinion.

07/11/20 09:15 AM #1771    

Robert Ayre

Ok Dave, are you fishing for some pubs or scaling back a bit,make no bones about it,as it wont cost a fin. Are you ready to swim with the others or get schooled. Maybe climb a ladder and spawn a day. But dont get too eggcited because you bassed for it. Enjoy this beautiful summer.

07/11/20 09:18 AM #1772    

Robert Ayre

I have not spent anytime at Grey cloud island but it sounds like a fun place to get together. I have an extra kayak if someone needs to use one. Let's get something going, before we are ice skating.

07/11/20 10:24 AM #1773    


Steve Hardy

Park High 100yr Anniversary Celebration · July 9 · 

Park High lost a true Icon today.....Granny Smith passed away at the age of 98....
His wife was by his side.......
Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, grass and outdoor, text that says 'GRANVILLE O. SMITH 3 FIELD HOME WOLFPACK BASEBALL'

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