Reunion Volunteers



We are looking for volunteers for the next NEHI class of '84 Reunion in 2014.  If you would like to volunteer please contact .



·                     Planners
Current Committee volunteers: - Rhett Stevens, Kimberly Anthony, Susan Huntsman (Martin), Jon Kish (a.k.a. Gregg)
The group is responsible for creating the core activities planning for Friday night, Saturday, and Saturday night events   
•        Greeters

Current Committee volunteers: - Susan Huntsman (Martin) Friday night

                                                 Kathy Hively (Ciresi) Friday night

                                                 Kirby Hoban (Hamdaoui) Friday night

                                                 Julie Lundstad (Working) Saturday night

                                                 Kelly Pierce (Kertz)  Saturday night

This group will staff the check in table, organize the packets for registration, and distribute name tags.
•        Treasurer
Current Committee volunteers: - Jon Kish (a.k.a. Gregg)
This is an important position. We plan to use the Class Creator relationship with PayPal to accept registrations for the reunion, but someone still has to write the checks, receive the money, and manage the accounts.  
•        Memory Committee
Current Committee volunteers: - Lisa Basallo (Pleasants-Smith)
This group will work on a slide show of old and new pictures to show during the Reunion. – it could even do a “What the world was like…” video. Depending on our budget, we might want to consider making a gift to NEHI from our class. This group also may work on some sort of recognition of the classmates no longer with us would be appropriate
·                     Decorators
Current Committee volunteers:  - 
This committee will decorate for Saturday night event. This would be the table decorations, balloons, entry table/check in, and some prop for photo backdrop. 
•        Entertainment
            Current Committee volunteers: - Susan Huntsman (Martin), Rhett Stevens, Kimberly Anthony
This committee will be responsible for the planning of our entertainment for Friday and Saturday night…music, games, contest…etc.
•        Directory/Program
Current Committee volunteers: - Susan Huntsman (Martin)
This committee will create a class directory/program to be provided to the attendees. This committee would also be responsible for designing classmates name tags.  A graphic designer will help make this awesome! All former Viking Log and Nor'easter staff this one's perfect for you! You will also coordinate with our treasurer to secure our corporate sponsors and advertisers for the event
•        Website Administrator
Current Committee volunteer: - Kimberly Anthony

