Military/911 Tribute


Support Our Troops and Military MySpace Comments and Graphics

This page is dedicated to the classmates that have served in the armed forces and to those that have lost their lives in the service to our country.  It is my honor and privilege to be creating this page.  If anyone has pictures they would like to add please send them to me via


Scott Emanuel



Jeff Hanson



Shannon Mork - Arizona State Trooper






Did you know? 
There were over 1.4 million gallons of fuel on the USS Arizona when she sank.  Over 60 years later, approximately nine quarts surfaces from the ship each day.  Some Pearl Harbor survivors have referred to the oil droplets as "Black Tears" and say that the oil will continue to leak until the last survivor passes away. 





All gave some, Some gave all.
Two iconic photographs taken decades apart, yet so hauntingly similar.




Support Our Troops and Military MySpace Comments and Graphics



9/11, September 11 MySpace Comments and Graphics

Today I saw an eagle,
With a teardrop in his eye.

It literally took by breath away
To see an eagle cry.

I asked him, What's the matter?
And he told me what he saw.

A cowardly attack was made,
On the towers that once stood tall.

He said everything he stood for,
Had taken a shocking blow.

So he had to take a moment,
To let his own emotions show.

Then he proudly told me,
That our Nation would survive.

That our Liberty and Freedom,
He'd be sure to keep alive.

He said for us not to be afraid,
To stand together, not apart.

For a terrorist has succeeded,
If he puts fear within our hearts.

-Author Unknown



Police MySpace Comments and Graphics











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