Charles George

Profile Updated: December 12, 2016
Where do you live now? dawsonville, GA USA
Spouse/Partner penny hostetter
Occupation res/com contractor
Children 0
Yes! Attending Reunion


What have you been up to since you graduated?

omg where do you start

Do you still see/talk to/hang out with any classmates? Who?


School Story

wasted it,luckily made a good living

What do you like to do in your spare time?

travel motorhome try to book a lot of trips in the summer hang out lake

Where have you traveled and where is the farthest you have traveled from home?

out west entire east coast

Any words of wisdom you try to live by?

you reap what you sow

Charles' Latest Interactions

Charles George updated his profile. View.
Dec 12, 2016 at 4:07 PM