
  • We continue to look for our classmates, please help! Out of our 419 graduates, we still are missing contact info for approximately 255! If you can help locate them, we definitely would appreciate it. We want to leave no classmate behind in reconnecting with them...regardless as to whether they make it to the reunion or not. We value the memories each brings with them (the good and the not so good). Contrarily to belief, it is never too late.
  • If you have not completed your profile, we invite you to consider doing so. 
  • To make it easier to get to the website, the site now has its own domain that is easier to remember. You can get to it by typing
  • A Facebook page has been created for our reunion. It is at Like this site, it is a work in progress. Please feel free to join and like us and to spread the word.
  • Reunion tickets are on sale and can be purchased with a credit card or check.. Go to to purchase the tickets. If paying by credit card, scroll down to the middle of the info page and you will find the button that is linked to the bank. If paying by credit card, you still complete the registration/activity form and note that you are paying by credit card.
  • Looking for photos from any past Class of '74 reunions. You can send to me, post to a gallery and/or post to your profile. 
  • If you haven't completed the Q&A survey, please do so. Your responses matter and remind folks of our years together, help us plan and keep people checking out the site. 
  • April Challenge: In addition to the Q&A survey, I invite everyone to go to the profile of at least one person who has already registered for the site and comment on their life or school story, on something you've learned about them, something you remember about them, their photo or what ever else you can think of that will make their day in a positive way.
  • Our Donation page is open for donations. At this time donations will help us pay for teachers who come. It will be our gift back to them. 
  • Finally, thanks to everyone who continue to contact classmates to inform them of the reunion, the website, and/or request contact info. We have grown from 30 to 122. We have 41 listed in the "In Loving Memory" page, but we still are missing contact info for 255 of our classmates.
  • To date we only have 19 who have reserved tickets. 15 classmates and 4 guests. Thank you!


We invite you to complete our Q&A Survey with the LSRHS Class of 1974 questions. It is our first time using this feature and are excited to see your responses and to hear and share some of your memories. To participate in the survey, click on the link to the access the survey. You may skip any question you don't want to answer or for which you don't yet have a response. Once you submit your responses, you can always return to update your responses with additions and changes.

For those who already submitted the survey, thank you! Please know that Question #3 has been changed to add Streaking Classmates and Graduations as options. You can return to select if that was on your mind or if you originally wrote it in. Question #4 was changed to add Desegregation of Boston Schools and Boston desegregation busing crisis. As wiith Question #3, you can return to select if either or both if they were part of your memories of what was going on in the world as it relates to your L-S experiences. In order to take into consideration travel plans and event preparation time, a new question, #11,  has been added asking if you prefer 12 noon, 1p or 2p for the one hour tour.

I have it set the visibility to "All Classmates" which allows you the ability to view collective group results; however, you WILL NOT be able to view each Classmate's specific answers like Administrators can. Individual answers are never displayed to site members for privacy purposes.

Questions 3-7 were recently answered by the Organizing/Planning Committee and will be shared in a interview feature. However, as we were answering the questions, we felt compelled to get your responses as well. We are interested in your thoughts. At the end of the survey period, we will share the collective results with 

Again, we appreciate you taking time out of your day to share your responses and memories. Looking forward to catching up and sharing memories.


We are busy trying to make our reunion memorable as we reflect on the past and prepare for new memories. As a part of this anniversary's celebration, Teacherand Alum Susan (Winter) Frommer, '68 and English Dept, has arranged to give us a one hour tour of the new school. The pictures below are photos I found online. I was not aware that the school I remembered was no longer there, so I am excited to see what the new building offers. The tour will on October 26th at 12 noon, 1p or 2p. Please access the survey to cast your preference. More info will be provided soon. You will be able to reserve your spot for this free event on the Reunion Ticket page. You are invited even if not participating in the Reunion.




Reason #10  Because you won’t know unless you go!

Reason #9  Some classmates are traveling thousands of miles to be there.

Reason #8  Do you want your yearbook picture to be the last thing they remember about you?

Reason #7  Few events offer the opportunity to go back in time and laugh like a teenager.

Reason #6  We’ll be rocking out to some awesome music from when we were in high school

Reason #5  At a reunion, everyone shows up older, then grows young again.

Reason #4  Because you can’t share a hug or a laugh on Facebook.

Reason #3  It’s not about who you were then.  It’s about who you are now.

Reason #2  It’s more fun to relive memories with those who shared them with you.

Reason #1  Someone there is hoping to see you!

Clamp, Cyndi, et al. “Top 10 Reasons to Attend Your High School Reunion.” National Assn of Reunion Managers, 19 Jan. 2019, 




For more information and/or to buy your ticket(s) go to: 

Class of 1974 50th Class Reunion Ticket Info (



Please note that our 7-day free from ads trial has ended and we are for now under a full "free subscription". What does that mean? It means ads will pop up. When you go to the site, do not click on the START or DOWNLOAD buttons. If you are new to the site, click on the "Missing Classmates" link on the top of the page and croll down to find your name and register. Do not click on ACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT or SEARCH A NAME or FIND A PERSON. Ignore those prompts and just scroll down to your name.

If you have already registered, click on the "Sign In" link and put in the email you registered with and your password and you will be sent to your secure information. If you have any questions you can click on "Contact Us" and I will respond and/or send an email to Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate these new waters. If it says you have a message it is probably from us or one of our classmates as they are the only ones who can see your profile information. No one can see your password. 

These instructions are also locatedon the "First Time Visitors" lpage. The link is on the top bar of the site.



For those of you who have been on the site since its launch, you will notice that ads are popping up as you peruse the site. You didn't see them before because its was the 7-day trial window. That trial ended on January 31and we are now operating under a free membership. If we decide to subscribe to the Premium or Platinum package, we will notify you. You immediately would notice the difference since the ads will be no more. Until later, please enjoy the site.


On behalf of the committee, thank you to all of you who has joined us on this site and special thanks to those of you who have created a profile and/or added photos. Thanks to those of you who have joined we have now doubled in the number of emails we began with in late January. Your photos and profiles are bringing back some great memories for us while catching us up on life after graduation. Again, we appreciate you. Let's continue reconnecting.



Are you a member of the Lincoln-Sudbury RHS Alumni Association FB Group? If not, consider joining this private group of LSRHS alumni: The Association's "About" section notes, "The group is an informal association for L-S alumni. We have no official connection to the school, but L-S does allow us to have an alumni page on its web site. The L-S Alumni Association was created after the "Great Gathering" of 2004, when over 2,000 alums came together to say goodbye to the old building. Our purpose is to help keep alumni a vital part of the L-S community." In doing so, this group gives all alums a place to share alum news, as well as memories and thoughts about our high school years. Only members can see who is in the group and what they post.

When joining, please make sure to read the about section, the rules, and please answer the required questions. Failure to answer the questions will most likely result in you not being admitted to the group. Remember this group is a private group for those who have an LS connection. 



Reason #10  Because you won’t know unless you go!

Reason #9  Some classmates are traveling thousands of miles to be there.

Reason #8  Do you want your yearbook picture to be the last thing they remember about you?

Reason #7  Few events offer the opportunity to go back in time and laugh like a teenager.

Reason #6  We’ll be rocking out to some awesome music from when we were in high school

Reason #5  At a reunion, everyone shows up older, then grows young again.

Reason #4  Because you can’t share a hug or a laugh on Facebook.

Reason #3  It’s not about who you were then.  It’s about who you are now.

Reason #2  It’s more fun to relive memories with those who shared them with you.

Reason #1  Someone there is hoping to see you!

Clamp, Cyndi, et al. “Top 10 Reasons to Attend Your High School Reunion.” National Assn of Reunion Managers, 19 Jan. 2019, 


With whom in the Class of 1974 do you still have contact? Do you know someone who knows where one of our Class of '74 alums are.? Are you on the LSRHS Alumni FB page? Have you saved the date of our reunion, October 26th, in your calendar? Are you planning to coming to the reunion celebrating our 50th year? Do we have your contact info? If not, please send your name and email to Maureen at Don't forget to complete your profile on this site. Your profile is important to us and is not visible to the public or found on a search, unless you choose to unblock that option.  Looking forward to seeing you soon!


This beautifully designed cartoon was drawn by LSRHS alum, Stu Heinecke of It has been used by several of the past committees, I borrowed it to share with you. Check out his site. There is no doubt that there is true talent among our LSRHS alum. Share your info with us on this site whether it is a published work, location of a performance, a birth, a honor/award/recognition, or....the opportunities are limitless.


