In Memory

Gary Dunbar

Gary Dunbar

We haven't located an obituary yet, but several classmates concur that Gary was killed in a house fire early 1986.  Yvonne Celius (Huffman) recalls a float in the Sunnyside parade that year had "In Memory of Gary Dunbar" on the back.  If anyone has the picture of the float or saved the obituary, could you please forward or post?

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02/24/11 09:57 AM #1    

Scott Drysdale

As I recall reading, Gary was driving in the car that was left to him by his older brother.  (If I remember his brother was killed in Vietnam.  Maybe I've got that wrong.)  I'm pretty sure Gary burned to death in a car crash in that car. 

02/24/11 09:58 AM #2    

Scott Drysdale

You guys remember that his older sister, Bonnie became an astronaut?  I think there was a sign outside Sunnyside advertising that fact.  Bonnie was a friend of my older sister.

02/25/11 01:35 AM #3    

Steve Hagensicker

The sign is still there, west side of town on Hiway 12.

03/04/11 05:28 PM #4    

Donna Hall (Sedlacek)

I remember when Gary died in a house fire.  The house was not too far from where my Mom and Dad lived. 

03/07/11 07:21 AM #5    

Steve Hagensicker

Was that on the south side of Harrison hill? For some reason, that's what I remember as being where it was.

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