In Memory

Joanne Bentley (Klouzan)

I can't locate an obituary but her husband, Garry, posted the following on

Joanne's Husband here, Garry Klouzal.
I'm sorry to say that Joanne died on September 3rd.
She went in for a liver biopsy and they nicked a vein and she almost died from the blood loss, they gave her 6 units of blood in ICU after the vein was blocked. She developed a breathing problem which got better and after two weeks in ICU she was sent to a local care facility for rehab to get her strength back. The next day an attendant found her not breathing and her heart stopped by the time medics got there. This was up to 15 minutes w/o breathing. They got her heart going and she was off to the local. hospital. She was still unresponsive 24 hours later and also 48 hours later with a prognosis of no recovery due to the lack of oxygen for so long. Per her wishes we took her off of the respirator and she died the next day.
Joanne spent her senior year as an exchange student in the Philippines which she loved.

She went to Western Washington College (University) and got her BA Degree in theater. While there she met her future husband Garry Klouzal while they were taking a fencing class.

After Garry graduated they got married and moved to California for 6 years. After that they moved back to the Seattle area in Washington.

Joanne likes to read books on her Nook, and loved to Crochet. She crocheted many doll clothes and attended many a doll show to sell her creations. She was especially fond of the Gene doll collection.

She also liked to travel and has been on several cruises including the Mediterranean and the Panama Canal.