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Forum: General Discussion



Created on: 01/20/10 03:11 AM Views: 3417 Replies: 4
Posted Tuesday, January 19, 2010 10:11 PM

 Hello fellow classmates, Hope this finds everyone in good health! I just noticed hardly anyone has posted pictures, I am sure we are all curious and would like to see your handsome & Beautiful faces again! Please post some pictures, if you need help, I am sure my wife can help. It is nice touching bases with old classmates. Domingo Cambra

RE: Photo's
Posted Wednesday, January 20, 2010 12:19 AM

Hey Domingo,

An excellent idea.  This web site has only been available for a few days so it may take a while for people to get comfortable with the format.

Howard (Mr. BettyEm Maley, administrator for the site)

RE: Photo's
Posted Wednesday, January 20, 2010 12:24 AM

 Hey Howard, very nice site you have created! Didn't know it was so new? Keep up the great work.

RE: Photo's
Posted Friday, February 12, 2010 02:30 PM

Hi, I saw your note and I too think that Howard has done a beautiful job on our new site.... Thanks Howard. I also posted a picture so you are not the only one anymore. Great hearing from you.

Edited 02/12/10 02:31 PM
RE: Photo's
Posted Saturday, March 27, 2010 04:36 PM

Thanks Howard!

For starting this site, and for letting me in!

Now I'll have to post a picture!

Most of the kids I know from St. Martin's, but the ones from McKinley I haven't seen for almost 60 years!

Growing up in Sunnyvale was a lot of fun, and the kids all changed so very much.

I don't go back there, the traffic makes me nervous.

Thanks for putting up a very complete and user-friendly site, I'll enjoy it!

Al Compasso

