In Memory

Robin Pegram - Class Of 1991

Robin Pegram

Deceased Classmate: Robin Pegram (1991)
Date Of Birth:
Date Deceased: Sept-1993
Age at Death: 20
Cause of Death: Accidental
Classmate City: Annapolis
Classmate State: MD
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By:

Robin was attending the US Naval Academy. She has been dearly missed by her classmates.

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07/14/11 09:02 PM #1    

Mellor Wooten (Steve) (1992)

I remember Robin in school. I wasnt friends with her but can still see her in the hallways in my mind. :) so young..sad.

10/05/15 09:50 PM #2    

Chris Tillman (1991)

While stationed in Scotland, I was reading the Stars and Stripes newspaper and was shocked to read about a tragic car accident where 3-4 Naval Midshipman lost their lives. I didn't know her personally, but since I was going on the Navy, I knew of her going to the USNA. Very sad...

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