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07/12/09 11:37 PM #138    

Kathleen Robertson (Sanchez)

Well, It sounds as if a grand time was had by all! Toyed with the idea of heading north to Clearwater from "The Don" to hang for a visit...never made it out of St Pete Beach. Close but no cigar, same as High School.

Time does indeed fly when fun abounds!

Maybe I'll catch you guys on the flip side, Kathy.

07/13/09 11:48 AM #139    


Anthony (Tony) Scarpo

The lord bless you and keep you. This is the song that was performed for us at the reunion by Mr. Copeland and company.

07/13/09 07:01 PM #140    


Dwight Paulding

Hey Tony once again thanks for such a great job on the reunion,Jennifer and I had a super time and I want to thank all of my fellow classmates for making her feel welcome since we all are a bit older in age.You guys are the best,I've known most of you since our days at Young Jr.High and a few before that so we have been friends for a bit...Looking forward for the next get togetherand I'm sorry I didn't get to see all of you.

07/14/09 10:40 AM #141    

Trudy Harris (Weissmann)

I think Dwight is onto something. So many overlapping interconnected webs have given our class more tightly tangled roots. From the complicated system of feeder schools we all attended (Kindergarten on up) to the various homes and neighborhoods we all played in after school to the special interest groups and sports we all sampled like butterflies, the class of 1979 walked away into our adult lives leaving countless footprints behind. It sure was nice to trace the path of so many of those memories again. It is a rare gift to have had the chance to lay down so many more.

07/15/09 07:37 PM #142    

Terri Patino (Arcuri)

Hey everyone - it was great to see you all at the reunion. For any of you that were brave enough to share some Boones Farm wine, please don't blame me for your most certain headache the next day. I could hardly walk on Sunday, not because of the drinks but because I haven't danced for hours like that in 30 yrs. It was great fun! Thanks to Drew for the semi-strip show! Couldn't get the dollars out of my purse quick enough...

07/16/09 08:16 PM #143    


Anthony (Tony) Scarpo

go Drew..go

07/16/09 09:50 PM #144    

Mark Snow

Good time it was all. Great to see Mr. Givens again. I miss that wize ol guy.

FYI, John Martin is getting married on Sept 25th. Good luck you two.. Maria is a good gal.

07/17/09 01:30 PM #145    

Trudy Harris (Weissmann)

I'm certain I am not alone in saying that Drew's hyper social self and ultra inviting room made a huge difference in the good karma takeaway from this reunion. I know Drew doesn't "do" computers but his "assistants" feed him what he needs to know... yall better make sure he gets this one.

07/17/09 03:30 PM #146    


Anthony (Tony) Scarpo

Drew's spirit was contagious!!! He was the best. By the way, loved spending time with you Trudy.

07/18/09 10:35 AM #147    

John Martin

Maria IS a great gal! Thanks Mark!!

07/27/09 08:43 PM #148    

Joni Pipes (Hatch)

To everyone that made the effort to make sure that we all re-connected. Amazing! Tony, You have outdone yourself! This is a true example of giving of oneself for the benefit of us all. I believe that we all now get "IT". That we all have made a contribution to this wonderful class and that we all matter in our own special way. We have done "Extraordinary things" and "Ordinary things". Things that change the world and things that make the world a better place for us and our children. If you chose a life of service, of assistance, of betterment for you and your family, you have made a difference. I believe that we all fall into one of these categories. I enjoyed every minute of this special weekend and look forward to many more reunions. To my girlfriends, words cannot express the range of emotion I felt this weekend. PERFECT! PERFECT! AMAZING! When shall we do it again??? My love for all. Joni (Pipes) Hatch

07/28/09 03:06 PM #149    

Phillip (Drew) Cockrell Jr.

To all, Many of you asked me about my job, It's realy how I chose to live my life. If see a need & I can satisfy it. This gives me joy & I call it Gifting.
Spred the love, Drew Aka "YES"

08/06/09 08:35 PM #150    


Anthony (Tony) Scarpo

To all who want to attend a post reunion party. Saturday August 15th, many of us are meeting at the new Whiskey Joe's on the causeway (Tampa). This is an informal event, but Neal Chambliss is going to be in town that weekend and wanted to try this get together. Everyone is meeting around 7pm. For those who were unable to make the big 30 year reunion, here is another chance.

08/13/09 12:50 AM #151    

James Delker

Well I managed to miss another one. '89 - I was in Korea (USAF). '99 - I was either in Curacao or Panama (USAF).
Here it is 2009 and I find the website after the reunion. Sorry to see the ones that did not make the journey with us. I never did like bringing friends home under the flag.
Well folks, until the next one. Godspeed.

12/11/09 12:02 PM #152    

Phillip (Drew) Cockrell Jr.

Many of you have asked me what I do for a liveing. I like to call it "Gifting" here's the idea. I live in a Univers of abundance. As I freely & joyfully give, i.e. Gifting, I join in the Divine flow. & all that I share with Life returnes to me, multiplied abundantly.
and so it is! Being Involed in Real Estate gives me lots of oppertunites, to help people find there dream home & this fufills me. Some thing like karma

02/26/10 09:07 PM #153    

Paul Dung Tran

good idea

03/03/10 11:45 PM #154    

Mark Snow

Already signed up! Just let us know the date. Platinum Carnival cruisers here. We're in a cruisin state of mind.

03/24/10 02:32 PM #155    


Alan Deese

Love the sound of doing a cruise! Already booked on RC Liberty of the Seas in Oct 2010. Hope that I can make the dates work, it sounds like a lot of fun and since I missed the reunion, it would be a great way to see some of the people I missed.


04/23/12 10:32 AM #156    


Carl Will

Hey everyone, Tony Cappadora hosted the 3rd Annual CHS Golf Tournament to raise funds for a deserving CHS graduate scholarship this past weekend. It was a great event and so much fun to see and visit with old friends. To date, over $11,000 has been raised. Congrats and thanks to Tony C. for making this event so special.


04/01/13 01:25 PM #157    


Joseph Follman


Going through old boxes today, I found hand-made autograph books from my 5th and 6th grade classes.  The names are not a complete list (many girls would not come within 10 feet of me at that time!), and represent more than one classroom.  However, if you went to Lake Magdalene Elementary and thence to Lockhart/College Hill for 6th grade, your name may be here, or other names may jog your memory.  If anyone has a photo of any of these classes, please post it to this site so we can see it.

Most of these folks went on to graduate from CHS in 1979.  Please forgive and correct any misspellings.

Sincerely, Joe



School:  Lake Magdalene Elementary School

Grade:  5th

Year:  1971-72

Teachers: Lazo and Thebidaux


Linda Bals

Jan Berthalot

Mike Bigger

Janice Blount

Chuck Bollegar

Steve Burton

Kim Creighton

Mike Davis

Robert Davis

Wendy Dietz

Gene Dillman

John Dominguez

Rubin Galle

Mike Gates

Cathy Graham

Jerry Griffin

Janet Groover

Joyce Hager

Hank Hartzner

John Hart

Janet Higgins

Jerry Isaac

Gary Kimble

Alan Lovelace

Bryce Maddox

David Maynard

Barbara Martin

Geraldine McCuen

Donna Napoli

Freddie Nipper

John Phillips

Glen Powell

Arnie Russell

Jeff Shiley

Pat Seger

Brad Shults

Steve Shows

Gwen Sims

Julie Stafford

Leah Stuck

Mike Tate

Gene Stanley

Melany Thomas

Nate Thomas

Larry Thompson

Harry Tucker

Debra Vaughn

Donnie Walsh

Lynn Watson

Kenny Weiwoira

Johnny Whiteside

Carl Will

Greg Williams

Jeff Winters

Derek Wolf

Brian Zunker



School:  Lockhart/College Park

Grade:  6th

Year:  1972-73

Teachers: Norton, Sanchez, Beasley, Notaro, Lawton, Hill


Thomas Abbot

Russell Baldwin

Chuck Bollegar

Richard Budd

Cary Burcham

Tammy Burke

Robert Davis

John Dominguez

Mark Evans

Tim Fitzpatrick

Kim Frueh

James Fuller

Rubin Galle

Mike Gates

Lenny Gunn

John Hart

Terri Hagan

Joyce Hagar

Diane Harris

Eugene Hayes

Carlos Hernandez

Virginia Hill

Jerry Isaac

Cheryl Johnson

Mike Johnston

Jeanne Jones

Judy Jones

Steve Jordan

Kelly Kremin

Matt Leunhauser

Cliff Long

Alan Lovelace

Bryce Maddox

Anne Margaret

Yvette Mitchell

Jeff Moody

M. Presley

Arnie Russell

Randy Ruff

Raymond Sanchez

Verl Shaw

Jeff Shiley

Steve Shows

Ivan Sinclair

Leslie Theobald

Jean Thomas

Timmy Tice

Lynn Watson

Kelly Webb

Laurie Williams

Brian Zunker

Cheryl (?)

Donny (?)

Ghana (?)

Pat (?)

Rita (?)

08/17/17 06:38 PM #158    


Alan Deese

Not sure who all would remember, but a fellow classmate Eugene "Chris" Morris has passed.  He had taken the GED and graduated early and so he's not listed in our class, however we had gone to Carrollwood, Lockhart, Adams, and Chamberlain together and he lived right by my Grandparents so we'd known each other since we were kids.  http://www.brandonfunerals.com/obituary/eugene-c-morris/

08/29/17 10:35 AM #159    

Thomas Kaspar

Is this Website officially ended without an administrator ?

10/11/18 11:50 AM #160    

Todd Elozory

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I was contacted a little while ago by Dana Murkison's mother.

She let me know that Dana took his own life on August 25th in Key West.

May you only have fond memories of our classmate and friend Dana.


10/12/18 09:03 AM #161    


Alan Deese

Todd, I had added Dana to the In Memory page, thank you for letting us know.  

08/11/24 07:36 AM #162    


Carol Lohmeier (Afrassiabian)

It was so nice seeing everyone last night at the 45th year reunion.  I would like to thank the folks that made it possible. Since it was right next to the home I grew up in... I ventured a drive down my old street, Lacewood Road, before heading back to Pinellas Park.....  Memories were swirling in my mind..... so nice.  Hope to see everyone at the big 50 year!  Peace to all....  Carol

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