Joseph Follman
Going through old boxes today, I found hand-made autograph books from my 5th and 6th grade classes. The names are not a complete list (many girls would not come within 10 feet of me at that time!), and represent more than one classroom. However, if you went to Lake Magdalene Elementary and thence to Lockhart/College Hill for 6th grade, your name may be here, or other names may jog your memory. If anyone has a photo of any of these classes, please post it to this site so we can see it.
Most of these folks went on to graduate from CHS in 1979. Please forgive and correct any misspellings.
Sincerely, Joe
School: Lake Magdalene Elementary School
Grade: 5th
Year: 1971-72
Teachers: Lazo and Thebidaux
Linda Bals
Jan Berthalot
Mike Bigger
Janice Blount
Chuck Bollegar
Steve Burton
Kim Creighton
Mike Davis
Robert Davis
Wendy Dietz
Gene Dillman
John Dominguez
Rubin Galle
Mike Gates
Cathy Graham
Jerry Griffin
Janet Groover
Joyce Hager
Hank Hartzner
John Hart
Janet Higgins
Jerry Isaac
Gary Kimble
Alan Lovelace
Bryce Maddox
David Maynard
Barbara Martin
Geraldine McCuen
Donna Napoli
Freddie Nipper
John Phillips
Glen Powell
Arnie Russell
Jeff Shiley
Pat Seger
Brad Shults
Steve Shows
Gwen Sims
Julie Stafford
Leah Stuck
Mike Tate
Gene Stanley
Melany Thomas
Nate Thomas
Larry Thompson
Harry Tucker
Debra Vaughn
Donnie Walsh
Lynn Watson
Kenny Weiwoira
Johnny Whiteside
Carl Will
Greg Williams
Jeff Winters
Derek Wolf
Brian Zunker
School: Lockhart/College Park
Grade: 6th
Year: 1972-73
Teachers: Norton, Sanchez, Beasley, Notaro, Lawton, Hill
Thomas Abbot
Russell Baldwin
Chuck Bollegar
Richard Budd
Cary Burcham
Tammy Burke
Robert Davis
John Dominguez
Mark Evans
Tim Fitzpatrick
Kim Frueh
James Fuller
Rubin Galle
Mike Gates
Lenny Gunn
John Hart
Terri Hagan
Joyce Hagar
Diane Harris
Eugene Hayes
Carlos Hernandez
Virginia Hill
Jerry Isaac
Cheryl Johnson
Mike Johnston
Jeanne Jones
Judy Jones
Steve Jordan
Kelly Kremin
Matt Leunhauser
Cliff Long
Alan Lovelace
Bryce Maddox
Anne Margaret
Yvette Mitchell
Jeff Moody
M. Presley
Arnie Russell
Randy Ruff
Raymond Sanchez
Verl Shaw
Jeff Shiley
Steve Shows
Ivan Sinclair
Leslie Theobald
Jean Thomas
Timmy Tice
Lynn Watson
Kelly Webb
Laurie Williams
Brian Zunker
Cheryl (?)
Donny (?)
Ghana (?)
Pat (?)
Rita (?)