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•   Randy Grant  6/2
•   Scott Baldwin  8/28
•   Barbara Meves (Bennett)  8/6
•   Sonja Petersen (Talatzko)  8/2
•   Carol Bailey (Yakish)  8/1
•   Robert Bowen (Bowen)  9/29
•   Terry Cole (Woodhams)  9/28
•   Darlien May (France)  9/28
•   Barbara Telfer (Telfer)  9/8
•   Dan Thomsen  4/8
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alaska
1 lives in Arizona
3 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
1 lives in Georgia
2 live in Idaho
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Minnesota
2 live in Nevada
2 live in North Carolina
55 live in Oregon
1 lives in South Dakota
1 lives in Utah
18 live in Washington
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in Afghanistan
1 lives in Mexico
1 lives in Netherlands
6 location unknown
52 are deceased


•   Randy Aveline  7/26
•   Jess Birge  8/18
•   Walter Worrell  8/24

We Met, We Laughed, We Hugged, We Remembered

Our 50th Reunion was a Terrific Success!!!

Over 90 classmates gathered together the weekend of Sept. 28-30 for our

50th High School Reunion.  On Friday there were two activities: the main

gathering at the Granada Theater for a buffet dinner and lots of conversation.

Additionally, our class honored at The Dalles High Homecoming Football game

that evening.  On Saturday during the day classmates were invited to tour

The Dalles High School, The Dalles/Wahtonka Museum, The Discovery Center

and tour downtown.  We all gathered together on the steps of the high school

for our class picture then headed out to the Country Club for a wonderful dinner

and a fun evening of revelryhosted by Phil and Jim! On Sunday morning, Wendy

led us through a meaningful Memorial Service at Sorosis Park and then we had

a last get together no-host lunch at the Clock Tower.  It was a FULL weekend of

renewed friendships, old and new stories and a lot of picture taking!Speaking

of pictures - please, if you took pictures during the Reunion, post them on our

 Facebook page by using this hashtag: #50dhs68.

During the dinner a Survey was passed out asking classmates their preference

as to next Reunions and giving a Class Gift to DHS. It was decided we would

like to meet for "Big Birthdays", so our next get-together with be for our 70th

Birthday in 2020....mark your calendars now!!!

We also have volunteers to work on Committee's to plan events, if we were not

able to attend the Reunion and would like to help on a Committee please contact to

Lead and let them know:

  • Write a quarterly newsletter: Wendy P and Barb T

  • Planning Committee for our Next Get Together: Colleen B, Lead, and Keller M, Chris J, 

              Loren C, Sonja P

  • Updata Data Basa of Those who have Passed: Jo F 

  • Raise Funds for our Next Reunion: Jim B., Lead and Ellen B, Marilyn S., Karen J

  • Organize and Raise Funds for Class Gift: Caroline N, Lead, and Jim B,  Barb T,

             Colleen B, Stuart E,  Robin W,  Quniton S, Rosemary T, Dorothy S, 


Dear Classmates,

If you move, change your phone or email please send a note to DiAnne

and also change this information on your Classmate Profile page. It is

easy to do and it allows us to stay in touch with you with news important

information happens.

Thank you so much!


Donations are Needed

A big Thank You to those who have sent Donations in already.  

Funds you donate will help accommplish planning for our 55th Class Reunion and other tasks:

1-create financial assistance for classmates to attend

2-support the costs of printing

documents for future gatherings

3-provide for money we donate to DHS 

when classmates pass away 

Please send donations to:

DiAnne Fentress-Rowe

471 NE 6th Ave

Hillsboro, Or 97124






You may have noticed our Classmates who have passed before us are now listed in the Classmate Profile Tab. They are listed with three *** next to their name. The Classmates page lists only peers who graduated with us, some students, such as Alice Parsonsmoved away before graduation so her name is on listed on this page.

If you click on a listed name you will be taken to a page with a scroll. You can write stories, memories, "tall tales", poems, etc. on their scroll.  There you can say anything you would like to say about that person, to that person or things you would like others to know about that person. It is a chance, as a class and as individuals, to share our thoughts and feelings about those classmates who have gone before.


Thanks to Judy Hicks we have a Class Facebook page!

Please go to:

                        The Dalles High School entrance.jpg