Kristy Gill Jackmon

Profile Updated: July 22, 2023
Kristy Gill
Residing In Portland, OR USA
Children Anissa
Kristy Gill


Yes! Attending Reunion

I have 2 absolutely beautiful granddaughters that make my life complete. Everything I do is for my children and granddaughters.

Kristy's Latest Interactions

Jul 22, 2023 at 11:49 AM
Jul 21, 2023 at 5:33 PM

Happy 30 years former classmates, current Tigard Alums! I had thought about coming out with y’all but that thought didn’t get past just a thought. I hope y’all are doing well and your families! It was a sad reality that we are getting older, when I saw how many of our classmates have passed away. I am sad. I am on Facebook if you want to add me as Kristy Gill Jackmon I
I don’t spend a ton of time on Facebook anymore but I do enjoy staying caught up with everybody's life accomplishments. Enjoy your time this weekend!!!

Kristy Gill Jackmon changed her profile picture.
Apr 05, 2023 at 2:37 AM