Classmate News

This page features news about and of interest to the members of our class. Obviously some will come from the Lake County Banner when we catch it, but please send us all items you think are newsworthy.


Hunter Tucker patient at Vanderbilt Hospital

Excerpted from the Lake County Banner, July 9, 2008

Hunter Tukcer, six year old son of John and Michelle Tucker of Beth Page, is hospitalized in Nashville, and has been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, commonly called A.L.L.

Hunter is the son of LCHS [Class of '84] graduate Jonh Tucker. Hunter will be hospitalized for approximately 30 days. He and his family would appreciate cards and calls.

They can be sent to Hunter Tucker, Vanderbilt Childern's Hospital, Room B6424, 2200 Children's Way, Nashville, TN 37232, phone (615) 936-4195 or to his home at 150 Leath Lane, Beth Page, TN 37022, phone (615) 841-3888.

A benefit account is being established at Regions Bank. Please Check with your local branch to make a contribution.