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1 lives in Alabama
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15 live in Florida
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53 location unknown


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•   Marion Mitchell (Baum)  10/23
•   Judy Howland  10/8
•   Cheryl Clark (Ostrowski)  10/7
•   James Alexander  6/26
•   Steve Layton  11/18
•   Steve Lawton  11/14
•   Richard Cavanagh  11/14
•   Paul Mills  5/4
•   Sean Hartnett  5/2
•   Cynthia Golda (Whitfield)  1/2
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 71.2%

A:   222   Joined
B:   90   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Hi Classmates! Paul Maina here... We have been diligently working on making this a special time for all of us. It is exciting to see some of our classmates making plans and some traveling quite a distance just to spend time with their classmates/friends.

40 years since we all took that walk on the field that day in 1984. Who would have thought! But here we are... in a few years we will all be 60 years old. How the heck did this happen?

Life has been quite a journey for all of us. I think back to 15 years ago since our 25th reunion (yes, 15 years!). So many smiles and so much laughter. None of us wanted that weekend to end. it was beyond magical!

So here we are almost 2 weeks to the day away from our 40th reunion. It will be another 10 years before the next one and we will all be almost 70 when that happens. Some of us will not be around for that but that is just the fact of life. I hope this puts things in perspective for all of us. We have already lost too many classmates in the last 15 years and we will never again have the opportunity to laugh, smile or hug them again. Who would have thought the last time we saw them was the last time forever... Sad but true.

So let's all laugh, smile and hug again 2 weeks from now in Toms River. What are you waiting for?

Come celebrate US! The proud class of 1984 Toms River South Indians!

See you all then!


Join us as we kick off Reunion Weekend cheering on the

🏈Hitting Indians and the Marching Indians!!🥁

Look for our banner to find the Alumni Section in the stands

the Class of '79 will also be there celebrating their 45th Reunion!

Wear your Maroon & White and show off your school spirit! 

$5.00 admission 

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 • 6:00-10:00PM

Reunion Dinner at B2 Bistro + Bar in Toms River 

$75.00/person Extended payment deadline now October 13!!

Make checks payable to: HS South Class of 1984 Reunion
Send to: Karen Miske, 204 Radnor Ave, Pine Beach, NJ 08741

PayPal (+$2.50 fee):
**each ticket purchase will require a separate transaction**



30-Year Reunion Weekend Photo Gallery

30-Year Reunion - July 26, 2014

25-Year Reunion - July 25, 2009

Check out the Website!






Andre Sinou  2/13
John Drumm  2/15
Dawn Vogel  2/23
Pete Giovenco  3/1