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Scot Talk


Forum: 35 Years!


Venue and Timing

Created on: 04/20/09 10:46 PM Views: 493 Replies: 21
Venue and Timing
Posted Monday, April 20, 2009 05:46 PM

With regard to the schedule for a possible reunion, I would like to put forward a preference for an earlier time in the evening. I know my son and his friends often start their evenings at 10 p.m. or later. For the most part, I am asleep by that time.

Jeff Morris

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Monday, April 20, 2009 09:36 PM

You probably won't be alone in this preference, Jeff!  Rest assured most of the rest of us have probably altered our sleep schedules a bit, too.  My schedule doesn't always seem to work out the preferred way, though, as the time stamp on this message will probably show! 

Okay, so we have our first planning note for a reunion:  Early start time! 

Thanks for the input!


Edited 04/20/09 09:37 PM
RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Tuesday, April 21, 2009 08:11 PM

Try to plan it sometime when the weather may let us be outside if we want.  And I agree..this body has to be late enough when I am on call for work. 

Julie George Baldwin

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Monday, May 4, 2009 04:42 PM

I would like to have it in the summer.  I could not make the trip unless it was when school is out. 

The weather would be nicer for us that have to travel.

Let me know when you make the plans.

Jeanne (Willmeth) Konicek  jeakonicek@hotmail.com

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Tuesday, May 5, 2009 09:51 PM

Anytime - anywhere - I'll be there.  I would love to help in any way I can.

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Thursday, May 7, 2009 05:17 PM

It would definitely have to be in the summer.  We were just there at the end of March for my mother-in-law's 80th birthday.  I live in Florida to stay out of the snow!

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Thursday, May 7, 2009 08:31 PM

I'm willing to help to.  It's been way too long since our last reunion!!

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Saturday, May 9, 2009 01:49 PM

I definitely agree with summer!  June is usually not quite so hot and miserable.  I wish I could be there to help but I'm a good 12 hour drive away.  Will definitely make it to attend tho!  No kids at home anymore so I won't miss it like I did the 20th reunion! 

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Thursday, May 28, 2009 08:15 AM

I think Memorial Day weekend would be good, that way most of us out of towners would have an extra travel day. And hopefully it wouldn't be too hot.

Patty B.

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2009 08:24 AM

I'm ready for a reunion!  I think summer would be best for everyone, especially those who have to travel.  I also have 2 children graduating from high school May 2010 here in Georgia. 

Would love to stroll the halls of the school again - maybe a picnic at the lake with families, and kids included would be a fun idea!

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Thursday, July 9, 2009 12:44 PM

Cindy - I'm here to help out with whatever needs to be done.  Marketing is part of my job here at McPherson Contractors, Inc., and I have my own business that includes marketing, catering, wedding planning, etc. 

Has anyone thought about making memory books/cd's/dvd's?? 

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Monday, July 13, 2009 02:04 PM

Carmen McKnight Jackson wrote:

Cindy - I'm here to help out with whatever needs to be done.  Marketing is part of my job here at McPherson Contractors, Inc., and I have my own business that includes marketing, catering, wedding planning, etc. 

Has anyone thought about making memory books/cd's/dvd's?? 

Carmen, I'm sure your marketing expertise will be very helpful, welcomed, and appreciated!  I don't remember reading in your profile about you having your own business!  That sounds interesting and very busy! 

I like the memory book idea, too, whether it ends up being an "old fashioned" physical book OR a virtual type!  Maybe both! 


RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Monday, July 20, 2009 07:50 AM


If we do make a memory book, let's pick out a large font so it's easy to read. Just based on my observation at lunch and the number of people with reading glasses.

Jeff Morris

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Tuesday, September 15, 2009 02:06 PM

In case you haven't checked the home page--we have a date scheduled for the 35th reunion.  Mark your calendars for July 17, 2010!  We'll post information around the website as we have it! 


Edited 09/15/09 02:07 PM
RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Monday, October 12, 2009 09:15 PM

It does suck getting older and blinder...lol  yeah for larger fonts!!!


Patty B.

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Wednesday, March 17, 2010 06:58 PM

 I have a suggestion that would involve everyone and I heard from other class reunions that it was fun.  Awards given to classmates for example - who traveled farthest to come to reunion - most married the longest - most kids - most grandkids - least changed - most changed - who lives closest to school - most exciting job - etc etc.   That night the winners could be decided by the whole class - by the applause meter.  Awards could be little items - or gag items - 

You can either write up a little form and list some of these suggestions for people to fill out before the reunion and for some others you can take nominations from people that night.

I think doing something that involves everyone would make a less boring reunion.  


I think setting disposable cameras on the tables would be cool and encourage everyone to take lots of pics and then later people can post them on web.

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Thursday, March 18, 2010 11:39 AM

That's a good idea Rose!

Patty B.

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Thursday, March 18, 2010 03:20 PM

It is a good idea. My wifes reunion did something like that years back and it went over pretty well as I recall.

What's up with the Saturday afternoon Jam Session? I like that idea...who got that started?

Been talking with Robin Cremer about all the old HP musicians.. sounds like there are still a number of us left in the area. Should be fun.

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Thursday, March 18, 2010 05:48 PM


I like your idea!  The more we make it about each other, the more fun we will have. For example,  I would qualify for the person who was least likely to return to the reunion as a tall person.  Unfortunately for me, I'm not actually a tall person yet, but there is still time and they have invented Human Growth Hormone since we were in high school.

Also, with regard to your posting -- when you thought those people were saying "booo," they were saying "Suuuuuu." It was all about your sister.  Not sure that helps, but you should know.

Take care,



Jeff Morris

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Thursday, March 18, 2010 07:51 PM

Jeff - How in the heck do you remember that?  Wow thats crazy!  I never heard that they were yelling Suuuuu...Some of the guys that yelled told Sue they were yelling Coooon...well doesn't that just beat all?   Well either way...I was screwed.  LOL    Both "yells" sounds like BOOO 

Thanks for setting that straight Jeff!!  I really need to know how you can remember that!  Age hasn't hurt your memory!!! 

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Friday, March 19, 2010 01:18 PM

 Actually, my memory is not that good any more, but I'm not afraid to modify my memories if I get input from others. One of the fun things about this site is having others tell what they remember, which then sparks my own memories -- whether accurate or not.

Jeff Morris

RE: Venue and Timing
Posted Sunday, March 21, 2010 02:47 PM

"Steve Lassiter wrote:

It is a good idea. My wifes reunion did something like that years back and it went over pretty well as I recall.

What's up with the Saturday afternoon Jam Session? I like that idea...who got that started?

Been talking with Robin Cremer about all the old HP musicians.. sounds like there are still a number of us left in the area. Should be fun."


I'm glad to hear you like the idea of the Jam Session the weekend of the reunion!  We weren't sure how many people would be interested, but the idea was to invite any of our musically-inclined classmates to meet and just play around that afternoon, and then maybe "perform" a number or two for the rest of us that evening.  We have the lodge reserved for the whole day, and while we're setting up for the evening, we thought it might be fun to have the "Jam Session" going on as well.  Michelle is providing the sound system and a playlist for the evening, but we thought everyone might also enjoy hearing some live music from some classmates--IF it works out that way!  No pressure--just another way to reconnect and enjoy the weekend!  We'll see how it goes! 
