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Forum: What's on your mind?


That Sweet Ride

Created on: 05/20/09 01:39 AM Views: 376 Replies: 14
That Sweet Ride
Posted Tuesday, May 19, 2009 08:39 PM

Hmm...maybe not the term we used in the 70's, but what do you remember about the car you drove in high school?  Mine was a 1967 powder blue Chrysler Newport, aka "the boat."  It was the leftover family car and as long as I could jiggle the right thing under the dash, I could "rely" on it starting and getting me where I needed (wanted) to go! 

Imagine this car  

in this color.

Gotta love it! 


Edited 05/19/09 08:40 PM
RE: That Sweet Ride
Posted Wednesday, May 20, 2009 09:48 AM

I had a 1966 Ford Custom 500 4-door. It was a $100 hand-me-down from my older brother and was virtually indestructable. I think in my senior year I traded it in for a '72 Ford Maverick.

Edited 05/20/09 09:49 AM
RE: That Sweet Ride
Posted Monday, June 1, 2009 03:00 PM

Mostly I remember other people's cars, not having one of my own. Gary Scheidegger had  hot 57 Chevy that we used to cruise the boulevard on Friday nights. He bought the car for $100  and sold it refurbished for $600, It would be worth thousands today, but hey, it's only money.

The other rod I remember is Alan Huxman's white Mustang, which he claimed -- based on no real evidence that I can see -- was a chick magnet.  There was a perpetual problem with the clutch, which to this day, he believes had nothing to do with his driving ability. I also remember Earl Eugene Kern owning a car that was painted entirely in primer.

The hottest car in high school?  My vote goes to Digger's 68 Camaro.


Jeff Morris

RE: That Sweet Ride
Posted Wednesday, June 3, 2009 10:42 AM

My high school ride was a 1966 Ford yellow mustang.  It was a three-speed so I had to learn how to shift it before I could actually drive it.  I remember it cost all of $600 and I loved that car.  It was named "Marvin" as in "Marvin the Mustang" and it lasted throughout the high school years and then some because my brother enjoyed it after me.  Black leather seats and an 8-track tape player....those were the days!

Edited 06/03/09 10:43 AM
RE: That Sweet Ride
Posted Sunday, July 12, 2009 06:56 PM

Oh I pray no one remembers when I drove a Rambler....LOL.

RE: That Sweet Ride
Posted Monday, July 20, 2009 07:52 AM


Michelle -- we had a Rambler also, I think they now classify as retro chic. Very few people under the age of 40 even know what a Rambler is, so if tell them it was a cool car, they wont' know any better.

Jeff Morris

RE: That Sweet Ride
Posted Monday, August 10, 2009 08:20 AM

My first car was a tan Ford Pinto, purchased myself for $1200, then later bought a metallic brown Mercury Bobcat - that was a step up from the Pinto!!  and they don't make either one of those any more................but it was a car and it got me where I needed to go!!


RE: That Sweet Ride
Posted Monday, August 10, 2009 10:00 AM



I bought a Ford Pinto in 1978 for $1200. It was was decorated in a bicentennial motif, white with red and blue. It started breaking down the day I bought it and finally expired in grand fashion -- setting itself on fire when the carburator spewed gas over the engine one day in Arizona.  They don't make them like that anymore!


Jeff Morris

RE: That Sweet Ride
Posted Wednesday, August 12, 2009 09:40 PM

I remember driving a '66 Plymouth Sports Fury 440 the first couple of years. Way more car than I should have been allowed to drive at that age and experience level. I remember Randy Frye telling me to floor it going out the parking lot heading east. Almost lost it and went into the oncoming lane. That thing was an automatic but would still knock you back in the seat when you floored it from a dead stop. How many of you made the lunch time ride over to 21st street and then got on it from Golden Ave to make the speed run up the hill? What a rush that was..lol.

Edited 08/12/09 09:40 PM
RE: That Sweet Ride
Posted Thursday, August 13, 2009 07:56 AM

$1200 must have been the going rate for a Ford Pinto back then.  And so worth it................lol


RE: That Sweet Ride
Posted Monday, August 24, 2009 01:41 PM

I drove a 1969 candy apple red Mustang.    My first tank of gas was something like .29c/gallon.   I remember when I bought the car and started driving it home.  Somewhere along Croco Road I noticed that my hubcaps were rolling down the road ahead of me.   Thank heavens I didn't try to go down Baker's Hill !    That ened up being the first of MANY repairs.  


Edited 08/24/09 01:43 PM
RE: That Sweet Ride
Posted Thursday, September 3, 2009 02:10 PM


The first car I bought was a '65 Mustang.  I bought it from "Stans" auto at 29th and Topeka for I think $200.  We had to rebuild the engine, and the clutch almost just to get it home...That was also the first car I wrecked as I rear ended a VW, but it didn't hurt it much.  When I joined the Navy, I sold it to David Beach for a whopping $250.  The car I had to drive most of the time though, was my parents Ford Fairlane 500, if they only knew how fast that baby would go from Vo-Tech to HP, they would of had me taken the bus...

RE: That Sweet Ride
Posted Wednesday, June 23, 2010 09:56 PM

 Although I drove a Renault Daphne briefly, My real first car that I drove my Jr. and Sr year was a green and rusty 1947 International Harvester Truck with one red fender, running boards and a roll out windshield and flathead  6 Banger. A very fun hang out at the Community and Chief Drive-ins.

RE: That Sweet Ride
Posted Thursday, June 24, 2010 01:14 PM

I remember that truck very well, Doug. And I think Les Vining probably does too.

RE: That Sweet Ride
Posted Thursday, July 1, 2010 09:10 AM

My first car was a 64' Ford Fairlane 500 - 289. Paid $185 for it. Traded that and $350 for my 67' Pontiac Lemans 400-4 bar carb 3/4 race cam. Didn't look like much but it could boogie...

Mike Shaver

Edited 07/01/10 09:11 AM
