Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Jim Bandy
Nancy Jo Bell (Ellis)
Kenneth Bielema
Richard Bleam
Saundra Chesney (Hughes)
Nancy Coen (Cimaglio)
Robert Coleman (Voelker)
Andrew Downing
James Farthing
Kenneth Forbes
Steve Foster
Dorothy Franklin
Sandra George
Judith Hall (Andrews)
Lucille Hollar (Michael)
Mary Ann Janzen
Carol Leeman (Standley)
Francis Lewis
Sandra Mannell (Phillips)
Janet Merscham (Schneider)
George Pendleton
Marceline Robinson
Bill Schroeder
Bob Smith
David Whitney

Guest Members

Harold Baker (Language Arts Teacher)
Stanley Banks (Social Studies Teacher)
Betty Baskett (Language ArtsTeacher)
Margaret Bergen (Social Studies Tea…
Joan Billington (Fine Arts Teacher)
Lorenzo Bingham (Social Studies Te…
Donna Blackburn (Physical Education…
Estella Ellithorpe (Language Arts T…
RayAnn Fair (Social Studies Teacher)
Wayne Fernkopf (English & Drama Tea…
Fred Gampper (Natural Science Teacher)
Charles Gordon (Mathematics Teacher)
Milo Heatwole (Industrial Arts Tea…
Judy Hoy (Language Arts Teacher)
Hulda Hurtgen (Language Arts Teacher)
Clarence Kellogg (Physical Educatio…
Kayla Kerbs (Language Arts Teacher)
Gladys Lawson (Fine Arts Teacher)
Leon LeGresley (Industrial Arts Tea…
Hazel Linquist (Home Ec. Teacher)
Jessie Nichol (Mathematics Teacher)
Janet Nuzman (Physical Education)
Louise O' Brien (Business Education…
Claude Reynolds (Social Studies Tea…
Linda Rezac (Business Education Tea…
Louise Rohler (Language Arts Teacher)
Gordon Sailors (Industrial Arts Te…
Sarah Shipman (Home Ec. Teacher)
Ben Tice (Fine Arts Teacher)
Marilyn Wichers (Social Studies Tea…
Margaret Wiley (Home Ec. Teacher)
