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Class of 1982
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Janie Adams
Sheri Allabach (Beadnell)
Rhonda Anderson (Saffel)
Danette Ault (Williams)
Laurie Baier (Iosue)
Bonnie Baker (Rampello)
Theresa Balser (Poole)
Timothy Barker
Lynn Biddle (Poley)
Tammie Bonitati (Cernansky)
James Brown
John Brown
Theresa Buratynski
Nancy Burchfield (Wynne)
Erin Burris (Dunlope)
Bruce Calabrese
Sharon Carter (Scholl)
Edie Case
Paul Case II
Todd Chetock
David Conlon
Lisa Connolly (Maher)
William Cooper
Joan Core (Stasiulewicz)
Edward Crawford
Joseph Cummings
Douglas Davis
Sandra Davis (Pahl)
Mark DiCocco
Annette DiEdwards (Brown)
Jeffrey Dunlope
Melissa Eddy (Gibson)
Christine Eltringham
Steven Exterovich
Lori Falasca (Sestito)
Kimberly Ferrell (Hernandez)
Gregory Fisher
Kathy Fisher
Jon Franke
Kenneth Gibson Jr.
Kenneth Gorney
Thad Gorrell
James Gribben
Michaelle Hackett (Good…)
Todd Hackett
Robert Hanuscin
Michelle Harding
Denise Harvilak (Burkeholder)
Mary Herrick (Strickland)
Darla Hibbs (Carle)
Rebecca Higgins
Steven Holland
Joseph Hughes
Heather Hughey
Lori Hutchison (Hall)
Paul Ighnat
Shawn Irwin
Larry Isleman
Brian Johns
Joseph Keenan Jr.
Jeffrey King
James Knowles
Virginia Kuhn
Timothy Lamantia
Alia (Linda) Lawlor
David Leasure
Jodi Liddick
Bonnie Lucsko
Paige Manning
Michael Masters
Kent McGrath
Cheryl Merideth (King)
Kevin Miles
Joyce Minor
Marta Moreland (Moore)
Gary Mossor
Laurence Mosti
Sharon Murphy (Davis)
Kenneth Mushrush Jr.
Holly Nation (Clifton)
Ellen Oprisch (Christakis)
Denise Owens
Michael Owens
Jacqueline Oxier (Plott)
Mary Beth Parker (Hughes)
Margie Parsons
Lisa Pavlik (Pitzer)
Kim Price (Speaker)
William Prysock
Phillip Putnam
Mary Lynn Rawson (Lewis)
Lynn Ray (Zamberlan)
Trudy Rhoades (Wilson)
Lee Risler
Alice Rogers
Barbara Rogers
Jeffrey Romey
Christine Roth (Thompson)
Tracy Sanfilippo
David Schroeder
Marc Sciance
Edmond Shamp
Michelle Sherwood (Stark)
Daniel Shevelow
Richard Shimmel
Theresa Sierra (Whitney)
Richard Sines
Sandra Sines
Paul Sloane
Kelli Slocum (Vanlynn)
Colleen Smith (Fey)
Christina Sninchak (Hickman)
Joel Solomon
Leann Starr (Lehman)
Judith Straka (Gillis)
Susan Straka
Cathy Stratton (Mudron)
Diana Swickard (Exterovich)
Scott Taylor
Martin Thompson
Michele Timko (Lelli)
Angela Turick
John Valuska
Mary Valuska (Barringer)
Belinda Vandruff (Jamison)
Melinda Vandruff (Karpinski)
Eileen Voltz (Dugan)
Mark Wallace
Tonya Wallace
Eugene West Jr.
Stephanie Whalen
Steven White
Mark Woodward
Ronald Yarosz
Catherine Zdinak (Terpenning)
Robert Zeigler
Marie Zuk (Barker)
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