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Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 158
     Profile contains photos: 150
     In Memory: 66
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 62
     Military Service: 4
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 158    Newest Members: 158    Latest Comments: 121  

Dean Andrews    
Bruce Arnold    
Steven Audla    
Peter Avenia    
Rita Barredo    
Hudson Birden    
Kathy Broege    
Mario Bruno    
Gary Burdick    
Gary Burgoyne    
Joseph Carlln    
Mike Carson     
Wayne Cataldo    
Rocco Ciesco    
Gary Cilfone    
Myles Cohen    
John Coppa    
Charles Coury    
Sally Cuatto    
Fred Cusati    
Ward Cusati    
William Denza    
Andrew Dobos    
Mark Ellis    
Michael Fabro    
Garry Farrar    
David Ferry    
Paul Ferry    
Dennis Foley    
Angela Gatesy    
Mark Gibbons    
Gary Gonska     
Joseph Gyurko    
Raymond Hart    
George Heim    
Pauline Ivain    
Ed Klonoski    
Paul Kostak    
Robert Koury    
David Lent    
Ernest Marola    
Kevin Murphy    
Robert Neary     
Philip Neri    
Glenn Newth    
Peter Propfe    
Gary Revaz    
James Richard    
Jim Richards    
Louis Seiser    
Mary Smedick    
Jeffrey Smith    
Diane Stewart    
Kurt Thiede    
David Ursin    
Henry Waldron    
David Wootton    
Jim Wright    
Jim Yamin    
Edmund Zega    

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