Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

David Abrams
Aniello Abrunza
Eric Adeson
Kyle Ahern (Meyer)
Kerry Albert (Czymek)
Pam Alcid
Pamela Alderman
David Anthony
Peter Armstrong
Susan Azadian
Roy Babcock
Lynn Bailey
Abdulla Barbara
Beverly Barry
David Bassett
John Beale
Theresa Beaudoin
Doreen Belcher
Leo Belcher
Darlene Bendon
Gerald Bendon
Matthew Bendon
Lead Bennett
Richard Bennett
John Berg
Wendy Berguson
Josephine Bianco
Michelle Blair
Marshall Blanchard
Amy Bliss
Patricia Bloomingdale
Stanley Bobel
Karen Borrero
Kenneth Borter
Maria Bottillo
Lori Bowen
Steven Bowes
Arthur Brearton
Kevin Brough
Bryan Bruce
Karin Bruckner
Scott Bucciero
Mike Buffaline
Jody Bullard
John Burgess
Shannon Burke
Amy Burr (Liz)
Paul Byrne
Kristine Cabrera (Wheeler)
Vincent Cacciotti
Darlene Cannon
June Cannon
Craig Canty
Terry Canty
Demetrio Carbonaro
Joe Cardany
Robert Carey
Robert Carolus
Patrick Caron
David Carr
Kathleen Catone
Debbie Cavanaugh (McDonald)
Gary Cellucci
Paul Centanni
Tina Cerulli
Nicholas Champitto
John Chorwat
Athena Christian
Aaron Christiansen
Jay Cioffi
Laura Cleland (Cacciotti)
Donna Clement
Timothy Clemente
Tracey Coblish
Brian Coffey
James Coger
Dorothea Coleman
Anita Cone
Bonnie Conklin
Joseph Connell
Raymond Coonrad
Andrea Cooper
James Cooper
Angelo Corina
Margaret Corrigan
Joseph Corsaro
Linda Cozzolino
Kathleen Crispell
Chad Cuomo
Barbara Dabbs
Cory Davidson
Ruth Davila
Cheryl Davis
Frank Davis
Otis Davis
Bruce Dean
Pete DeChiaro
Johanna Decker
Cheryl Deerfield
Sebastian Degiorgio
Mary Delamater
Robert Delaney
Jennifer Dellio
Judy Demasi (Savard)
Peter Demereski
Robert Dempsey
Michael Deo
Karen Dessinger
Thomas Deuel
Sharon Devoe
Michael DeWolf
Martha Di Nuzzo
James Dickinson
Joanne Dileva
Eric DiP'alma
Christine DiRienzo
Kim Donovan
Wayne Doscher
Barbara Doyle
Catherine Doyle
Steven Dunson
Christopher Eccles
Ben Elkins
Susan Elligott
Emily Eustace
Debra Falsen
Timothy Farnam
Gail Favreau
Jo-Ann Fennelly
Linda Filkins
Frances Fisher
Millicent Fisher
Cynthia Flavin
David Foley
Laura Forette
Susan Foster
William Fox
Allan Frierson
Judith Frost
Theresa Gallagher
Gail Gamble
Donald Gardeneer
Alvin Gardner
Guy Garnello
Michelle Gates
Lisa Gazelone
Linda Geren
Michael Gibson
Stephanie Gibson
Kevin Gilbert
Missy Giroux
James Grago
Anthony Grande
Guy Gravelle
Lillian Greco
Wanda Green
Tamara Griffin
Teresa Hammett
Kathleen Hanna
Colleen Harrington (DeGroot)
Karen Harrington
Cynthia Haskins
Michael Haynes
Timothy Heffner
Mario Hepp
Denise Herber
Marion Hernberg
Priscilla Hilton
Kelly Hipwell (Hoffman)
James Holmes
Vera Holmes
Willie Holmes
Timothy Hurd
Peter Hyrckowian
Gloria Ingle
Susanne Ives
Charles Jackson
Joseph Jackson
Patricia Jaeger
Kenneth Jewett
Margot Johnson (Rose)
Sheldon Johnson
Gwendin Jones
Timothy Joubert
Tina Joubert
Donald Juedes
Christopher Julian
Shawn Julien
Colleen Keegan
Ron Keeney
Lisa Kelly
Lawrence Kennedy
Paul Kentris
Cheryl Kern
Sean Kerwin
Margaret Killion
Judith Kimball
Tom Kline
Alisa Knowles
Cathy Koch
Karen Kothera
Joseph Kramek
Rita Krill (Pelton)
Deborah Kyea
Jeffery LaBounty
Kevin Laferriere
Charles Laiacona
Tony Laiacona
Valerie Lamiano
James Laware
Roy Lebrecht
Ronald Lennon
Susan Lester (Page)
Gerard Lettko
Michele Levesque
Joan Lewis
Randolph Lewis
Jeffrey Liberty
Timothy Liberty
Ben Likens
Karen Lilkas
William Lindeman
Rodney Livoisi
Charles Lobdell
Sunday Lockenwitz
Tina Lombardi
Cynthia Luce
Sandra Lukatschat
Colleen Lynch
Michael Mabee
Leanne Macutek
Kevin Mainello
Lisa Malandro (Di Matteo)
Randy Malo
Matthew Maloney
John Mancinelli
Dianne Marro (Giunta)
Stephanie Marsh (Olive)
Willie Marshall
Shirlie Martel
Lisa Massry
Paul Masten
Susan Masten
Anita Matthews
Frank Mayben
Kermit McCauley
Marcia McDonaldson
Ann McGuire
Timothy McHarg
Sharon McNamara
Ignacio Melero
Matthew Messick
Mary Rose Miele
Anthony Milanese
Frank Miles
Wayne Miller
Christine Millhouse
Patrick Montello
Geraldine Montgomery
Michael Moran
Stephen Moran
Bonnie Morine
Joseph Moscatello
Silvia Moscatello
Susan Moscatiello
Daniel Moss
Kelly Murray (Patricelli)
Noreen Murtagh (Mahoney)
Frederick Myers
James Nash
Paul Oathout
Gina Ochoa
Lisa O'Dell
Donald Ogden
Cheryl Paff
Jennifer Pagano
Sue Paloski
Alexander Parker
Victoria Pascarella (Gervais)
James Pascarelli
Angelique Passino (Hansen)
Phyllis Pastore
Richard Paulette
Susan Paulk
Georgetta Perata
Michelle Perrotti
Samuel Phillips
James Piche
Barbara Pitcher
Rose Ann Plowden
Dawn Plumley
Tina Plumley (Mann)
Tina Plumley
Thomas Poland
James Pompey
Kenneth Pompey
Allison Posser
Deborah Post
Mark Powers
Amy Pratt
Jackqueline Pratt
Catherine (Kitty) Prespare (Shorkey)
Debra Pryor
Vincent Purcell
Holly Ranellucci
Suzanne Ray
Elizabeth Raymond
Dominic Redcross
Daniel Rehm
Jason Reid
David Reilly
Diane Rhodes
JoAnn Richardson
Bruce Riggins
John Rivage
Edward Rivenburg
Leroy Rivers
Kimberley Robertson
Willie Robinson
Bridget Ronan (Rockwell)
Wayne Roulier
Robin Rovedeau
Deborah Rowe
Francis Roy
Carla Russell
Tina Russell
Thomas Russo
Kelly Ryan
Michael Salway
Esther Savoie
Denise Sawyer
Patti Ann Sawyer
Paul Schrufer
Pauk Schuck
Christina Schultz
Mary Grace Scorsone
Colene Scott
Jannie Scott
Mark Scott
Vincent Sfara
Paula Shappy
Matthew Sheridan
Jerry Shoemaker
Evelyn Shover
Shelly Shufelt
Joseph Sibinich
Jacki Signorelli (Cioffi??)
Michael Signorelli
Mark Simmons
Kelly Simpson
Darrell Skeeter
George Slyer
Daniel Smith
Danielle Smith (Hale)
Maureen Smith
Judith Snyder
Carol Sorriento
Yolanda Sorriento (Reilly)
Noreen Speenburg
Billie Stickles
Gary Styczynski
Tara Sunkes
Maria Supino
Michele Talarico
Dominic Tedesco
John Teitsch
Christopher Testo
Thomas Teta
Kathy Theophel
Mae Thomas
Steven Thomas
Mark Torpey
Patrick Tracey
Martin Tromblee
Timothy Turino
Virginia Twiss
Richard Valenti
Emile Van Sein
Freida Van Sein
Dawn VanVorst (Roberts)
Veronica VanWert
Paul Viger
Jay Wachtel
Catherine Walker
Lisa Walker
Dawn Warren
Jackie Warren
Albert Washington
Dennis Weatherwax
Richard Weber
Kathy Welch
Nancy Welch
Linda Wells
Tina Wells
Richard Whimple
Heidi Wilhelm (Corina)
James Wilkinson
Michael Willett
Bonnie Williams
Daniel Williams
Natham Williams
Wendy Williams
Larry Wright
JoeAnne Yamin (Enzien)
Paul Yetto
Nathaniel York
Verone York
