In Memory

Mark Canright

Mark Canright

Deceased Classmate: Mark Wayne Canright
Date Of Birth: april-11-1950
Date Deceased: july-18-2019
Age at Death: 69
Cause of Death: cancer
Classmate City: Tucson
Classmate State: AZ
Classmate Country: USA
Was a Veteran: Yes Army
Survived By: 

It is with great sadness I post the passing of Mark Canright. He was surrounded by all of us that loved him in his last days and was able to meet his first grandchild, Olivia Western. Mark accomplished a great deal in his life. He served his country and was given a hero’s burial. He was a successful vice president in the computer business. Mark was intelligent, a leader starting from his early years in school, and a gifted speech writer and presenter. He could wow a crowd with his knowledge and humor. People instantly liked him. He gave his family many happy and wonderful years and will be missed every day. I have added a note written by my daughter Megan Canright Racicot that continues to describe the man he was…. Mark Canright was and always will be an extraordinary man. He passed away a few weeks ago, unexpectedly, after a 5 month battle with aggressive cancer. I haven’t been able to get through writing this until today. Throughout his insidious illness, he managed to maintain an attitude of strength, dignity, and positivity. He never complained, and he rarely showed that he was in an extreme amount of pain. None of us knew that he was close to his time, he shielded us from his anguish that well. But that is such a Mark Canright way to be. I say that not only because he is my father, and I love him dearly, but also because of the person he was. He was one of the humblest, most intelligent, and generous men I've had the privilege to know. He and my mother gave their three daughters an incredibly blessed foundation for life as adults. I am so grateful for the many gifts they gave us - too many to name here. My Dad was loved and adored by so many people whose lives were lucky enough to encounter him. He was funny, fun, witty, silly, brilliant. He was a beautiful human with a gentle soul. He experienced great success and great loss in his life. I spent a lot of time with him in the last months and I know that when When he died he was at peace with where he was. I miss you Dad. I wish I could just hug you one more time. I know you are with Stefanie now and that you are no longer in pain. You believed that every human soul is a piece of God and that when we pass we are reunited. I will miss you and Stef every day until that day we meet again. I'm reading a Neil deGrasse Tyson book right now (it's your fault entirely) called Astrophysics for People in a Hurry. I remember you reading to me as a child about black holes and dark matter and cosmic rays. There is a passage I read the other night that made me think of you and all our conversations. It read: "People who believe they are ignorant of nothing have neither looked for, nor stumbled upon, the boundary between what is known and unknown in the universe...We are stardust brought to life, then empowered to figure itself out -- and we have only just begun." Thank you for instilling a sense of wonder in me, Dad. It was one of your greatest gifts. I cherish the parts of you that you passed on to me. I promise you that I will always remain curious and seek truths in life to honor you. As you always used to say, I love you too much to know. 

Submitted by Patty Loftis Canright

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09/18/19 09:33 AM #1    

Adrienne Niblett (Wilson)

I am so very sorry to learn of Mark's passing.  Because I was only at Palo Verde for my senior year, I didn't know Mark that well.  After reading the touching tribute to Mark submitted by Patty, I have a small insight as to the incredible person of Mark Canright.  My sincerest condolences and prayers to the Canright family.

09/18/19 11:08 AM #2    

Terry Finefrock

Am very sorry to hear that Mark has passed; sounds like he had a wonderful life and family. My brother Greg and I are twins, grew up with Mark and Clark, Terra Del Sol, Ficket, PVHS. Best wishes, condolences, to all.

09/18/19 12:00 PM #3    

Patricia Bryers (Gelenberg)

What a lovely tribute to Mark. I'm so glad his family was able to show their love. I know Mark will be missed.

09/18/19 03:59 PM #4    

Rene' Rodri'guez

   The last time I heard from Mark was August 16th of last year and that he was sad about missing our school reunion due to another commitment. We had talked several times about our lives, families, and fishing; hoping we could meet for an outing in the near future. He had a great sense of humor and humility as he told me some of his stories. I am saddened to hear of his passing, he will be missed. My sincerest condolences to the family. 

"And someday in the midst of time
When they asked me if I knew you
I'd smile and say you were a friend of mine
And the sadness would be Lifted from my eyes
Oh when I'm old and wise "


09/18/19 08:34 PM #5    

Jim Risk

I graduated with Mark and Clark and I am so sad to hear of Mark's passing.  My sincere condolences to his family for their loss,  I'm sure he will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

09/18/19 08:48 PM #6    

Christine Freund (Lutz)

So very sorry to hear of Mark's passing and I wish strength and love of family to all of his family members.  I didn't know Mark well but we all are getting to that vulnerable age where life's no longer a given, so we all need to appreciate every day and share our love with those we love most.  My best to Patty and their children.

Christine (Freund) Lutz

09/19/19 11:30 AM #7    

Thomas Curto

My sincere condolences to Marks family for there loss. I new both Mark and Clark, not well but they were top dogs at Palo Verde when you think of PV  Mark and Clark comes to mind ! We just lost a good one and I will miss him.         Thomas Curto

09/19/19 12:19 PM #8    

Brock Tella

Thank you for such a touching remembering of Mark. I have fond memories of Mark and his brother playing football.Always remember learning to tell them apart:-). So sorry for his passing.

09/19/19 02:16 PM #9    

John Hanson

I'm saddened, shocked actually, to read of Mark's death.  I remember his energy, leadership, charisma, and his great smile.  I will continue to remembeer him that way.  I feel fortunate to have known him  I especially enjoyed how Mark and Clark would play off of each other and how funny they were together.  Mark was one of the best of us, of our graduating class.  My deepest sympathies go out to Clark and all of Mark's family.  

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