20th Reunion Information

Event Details

Can you believe it?! Our 20 year is here! OCTOBER 12, 6PM!

The reunion committee has been hard at work figuring out how to plan an amazing event much more affordably than other reunions.

Our 10 year reunion was $85 per person - it was great, but we know some people didn't attend due to the price. We want to see all of you, so we are setting the price at only $40 per person!!! That includes food and a drink ticket! If that is still to high, contact us - we may have sponsorships available from helpful classmates.

The sooner you purchase, the easier it is for us to plan accordingly.  

Make sure your profile has the most up-to-date email and mailing address!

We also are accepting any sponsorship or donations, which are used to cover overhead costs to make the reunion more affordable for all our classmates to attend. In particular, if certain classmates can't afford to attend, we want to offer assistance as needed. So thank you for any consideration!