In Memory

Nancy Louise Bulzomi (Honomichl)

Posted on: Jun 20, 2018 at 1:57 pm

Nancy Bulzomi (Honomichl) 

This post is on Facebook and we just read it. Such a tragedy as they were having a wonderful family vacation. Nancy Bulzomi (Honomichl) will be missed . Prayers to her family and may she rest in peace . 

Written by her sons:
"So this will be difficult to read. This will most likely be the final post from Nancy. This post is from her sons Billy and Scotty. Our mother died on 6-19-18 in Comumbus Ohio in a tragic accident. Our family and especially our father Mike need all the love, support, and prayers you can muster and send. She will be missed."

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06/22/18 10:16 AM #1    

Marjorie Marian Fisher (Cunningham)

So sorry to learn about Nancy's death. She was always cheerful and upbeat and shared her positive view about life and family.

06/23/18 10:35 AM #2    

Victoria Lynn Hines (Pierce)

I am so sorry to read this.  Nancy was a good friend in High School.. We had some great times.  Prayers to her sons and Mike.  

06/23/18 12:55 PM #3    

William Coy Cox

It was with a great deal of sorrow that I read this post about Nancy. She was such a nice lady and so dedicated to Mike and her family. She and I exchanged correspondance a few years back and she was so excited to be retired, having their new 5th wheel, and being able to travel. Rest in peace, nice Lady. All of my best wishes to Mike and the boys.


06/24/18 06:42 PM #4    

Sandra Hoffman (Dixon)

So sorry to hear about Nancys death. My prayers go out to her family as they mourn the loss of a wonderful wife and mother. She was always so much fun during our gym classes together. 


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