In Memory

William Dean Hose

Billy died July 18,1989. Rosie was his first wife. Mother of his 2 sons. Zachery and Nathan. Then he married Susie. That marriage only lasted about 5 years. After that he met Diane and died just before they were to be married. Not a day goes by that I don't miss him.
He had just bought a new little convertible and was on his way home from Scottsdale where he worked. He flipped the car and he had no seat belt on and was killed instantly. Diane was with him and not hurt badly.
Thank you for remembering him. He loved Palo Verde and had so many friends that he genuinely cared about. He was so funny and loving. This means so much to me that you asked about him.
His Loving Sister, 


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09/26/15 03:53 PM #2    

Ronald Lee Glynn

Bill was the fastest in his class at 1 1/2 miles, I in mine.  So our classmates pushed us to race and he beat me by a second or two.   Bill was a really nice guy.  My average time was 9:10, not really that great, my best time later in life was 8:40 at age 34.  Now I'm far from that :-)

09/27/15 08:53 AM #3    

Edwin Allen Ludeke

To this day almost 50 years later I don't know why but whenever I would think of Bill my thought would inevitably go to that group picture in the yearbook( I don't remember what group or page) where they would list everyone's name and right there bigger than life where Bill Hose should have been was the name "Alvin Schmuck"! I laughed then and still do now, he was a nice fun guy, thanks for all those memories and fun Alvin!

09/27/15 07:12 PM #4    

Maryannette Corneveaux (Bednar)

I dated Bill in my senior year and had many good times with him. I was devastated when I came to a reunion (from Chicago to Tucson), to find out he had been killed in a car accident. I had so been looking forward to seeing him. He had such great energy and drama! 

Ed Ludeke referred to an infamous name in the yearbook ...

The "Alvin Schmuck" group photo was on page 136 (in the Olympian yearbook) for the DECA club. I was mortified when the yearbook came out to see that name in the photo with his face !!  I was the Organizations editor of the yearbook and should have caught that in the proofs.

He was a comedian until the end ... Chief Running Hose !!

Maryannette Corneveaux Bednar

09/28/15 06:11 PM #5    

William Coy Cox

After graduation Chip Harrington and I took a trip around the United States in Chip's car. The last stop before coming back to Tucson was Cripple Creek, Colorado where Bill was working for the Summer at a Hotel. Chip and I spent a day and a night there drinking beer and decided we were going to leave to drive home about 10 o'clock that night. Bill had had enough of working up there and said that he wanted to drive along behind us to Tucson. So, we loaded our cars with beer and off we went about 10 pm; Tucson bound with Hose tagging along behind. Somewhere up in northern New Mexico Bill ran out of gas. We siphoned a little bit and he made it a few miles to a gas station that was dark and locked up tight. This was about 3 am. After making sure that Bill had enough beer, Chip and I took off for Tucson. Bill showed up later that afternoon and was happy to get back to Tucson and his girlfriend. He and I stayed with Chip for a couple of weeks up in Skyline while Chip's parents were on vacation. That's all I can tell you about that.  Bill was great...too funny..and those bloodshot eyes.

09/28/15 06:54 PM #6    

Edwin Allen Ludeke

Bill, thanks for the side story about Bill, did he tell you and Chip who the girlfriend was in Tucson? I'll bet you that six pack of beer you  and Chip left him   it    was the "mortified " Maryann  Corneveaux!  Am I right Mary?

09/29/15 05:47 PM #7    

Maryannette Corneveaux (Bednar)

Well Mr. Ed,

By the time Hose left for Cripple Creek, we were no longer dating ... so it was not me he came home to see!!

The story told by Bill Cox was pretty funny. It is really a HOOT reading about former classmates and hearing about the shenanigans that took place in the old days when we were young and carefree ...


09/30/15 06:05 PM #8    

William Coy Cox

Well Ed and Maryannette, I don't remember who it was that he was so anxious to see. That's all I'm going to say.

08/08/16 01:42 PM #9    

Sandi Seiler (Harrington)


08/18/16 07:50 PM #10    

John Reed (Reed)

I first got to know Bill in track and cross country. Oh, how hecould run! Way faster than me. Bill was one of the funniest people I've known, a John Belushi before John Belushi. I still remember the skit from our Senior Show with the toilet seat. I got to work with him at the Imperial Hotel in Cripple Creek the summer of '66.  I miss him.

John Reed  '66



08/18/16 09:54 PM #11    

David McIlroy Tighe

Don't remember Bill's nemesis name or what school it was but he had never beaten him.  For some reason a cross country meet was held at half time at a football game.  Hoser told me to sit to the far right of our stands.  He won it going away and gave me the finger and threw up his hands and we laughed about it over many a cold, or luke warm.  One of the best. 







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