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12/06/11 09:13 AM #1    


Kathy Lee (Ford)

Welcome to the forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

05/21/12 01:47 PM #2    


Kathy Lee (Ford)

I hope all of you are planning at attend the reunion!  I think it's going to be a lot of fun reconnecting with everyone.  If any of you from out of town need hotel information, please let me know.  There really is only one in Tulia, but there are some nice and reasonable ones in Plainview and Canyon.  Also, feel free to post any questions or comments here!  Be sure to update your registration to show that you will be attending the reunion, as well as the name and number of guests you will be bringing, if any.  And remember, the deadline to send in your registration/meal fee is July 4th.  Send to "Class of '72, c/o Zane Taylor, PO Box 405, Tulia, TX 79088.

06/19/12 10:25 PM #3    

Charlotte Phillips (O'Brien)

Wow.....what a fantastic job all of you on the planning committee have done getting ready for this 40th reunion!  I certainly appreciate all of your hard work.  It looks like we will be having loads of fun and plenty to eat (which is right up my alley)!  I have rearranged my summer schedule finally and I believe I can attend.  I am bringing Sheree Watson with me. We both are so excited to see everyone!!!

Thank you Kathy, Jayleen, Zane, Debbie, Debbie, Sharon, Joe Bob, Johnny, Harold, Roberta, Jan, and Cindy for making this reunion happen!!

07/06/12 02:48 PM #4    


Sharon Moffett (Thompson)

You are welcome, Charlotte! So glad you are coming.......can't wait to catch up with you and Sheree!

07/23/12 01:18 PM #5    


Sharon Moffett (Thompson)

Our  40 year reunion was GREAT!  It was so good to see everyone.  I especially want to thank Kathy for setting up our website and for being in charge of planning our reunion. We appreciate all your organizing and careful attention to detail. This type event doesn't just happen by itself.  Your ideas were great and we really appreciate all the work you did to keep us on track and to see that everything came together. I loved the name tags. If you think you haven't changed much, all you had to do was look at that senior picture and then look in the mirror!  We thought we were so grown up and most of us looked like such babies!  That was fun.THANK YOU and your helpers for doing that for us.

 Also, to Johnny Young for all you did to make our reunion a success.  The covering for the hale bales was great! and the tent at the park was great! and the signs were great! You just did so much.....and it was great!  Thank you so much for your hard work! We hated so much you having to leave early and not having the chance to see how well your 'Silent Auction" went.  It was a great idea and we actually raised some money off it!  THANK YOU to everyone who brought items, bid and/or purchased something at the Silent Auction! It would not have been a success without you!

Zane, you are doing a great job of keeping up with our we actually have some to keep up with! It was wonderful to have your church parking lot, air-conditioned fellowship hall and bathrooms for the day.  Don't know that we would have survived without it!  Thank you!

Jan, the table cloths and napkins and plates sure added to our enjoyment!  Thank you for providing those for us. and thank you for doing the Silent Auction Sheets. We love the 'party favors'....those are great!

Jayleen, Debbie and Debbie......we appreciate all you did to help us plan, purchase and host this event.  Your ideas were great and everything you did made this the fun reunion that it was.  Thank you!

To everyone who provided ice cold water and soft drinks......thank you.  I know we would not have survived without all that cold water!!!!!!

Jaime, thank you for providing the 'float' trailer again. and most of all, thanks for the good steps so all of us could get on and off the trailer a little easier and more gracefully.  Next time we may have to have that fork lift you were talking about!!!

Joe Bob and I went Sunday afternoon and cleaned the VFW, reset the tables and chairs and made sure the refrigerator was cleaned out of all our stuff.  Joe Bob will return the key today. The food that was left, we took to the Driskell Halfway House and told them it was from the Class of 72!  They were so appreciative.  We have the "Class of 72" signs and the 1972 THS Annual that didn't sell at the Silent Auction.  Be thinking about it......we may have to auction it at our next reunion......remember the beginning bid is $ come prepared for a bidding war!!!!!!!  :-)

Let's keep in touch and not wait 5 years before we see each other!




07/24/12 10:42 AM #6    


Kathy Lee (Ford)

Sharon, I believe you said it all!  It was a great week-end and thanks to everyone that helped make it that way.  Thank you and Joe Bob for all you did; especially with the VFW!  I hope to get some pictures posted on this site soon.  We had such a great turn-out.  I'm not sure of the official count, but I believe we had around 65 people in attendance on Saturday night!!  The silent auction was a success a provided us with a little extra money to go toward planning our next reunion!  I'm also going to post a survey on this site to get some feedback from everyone regarding ideas/suggestions for future reunions!  Thanks again to everyone!!

07/24/12 11:18 AM #7    


Sharon Moffett (Thompson)

Kathy, I really appreciate EVERYTHING you did to organize our reunion.  I know it was harder for you since you don't live here, but I thought all details were addressed and the reunion was great! 

I was wondering; I noticed on the home page it mentions to check out the Photo Gallery - will that be a tab at the top OR am I just not seeing the link?

Joe Bob and I have talked the last 2 reunions about having it at our house.  We are serious about the invitation to have our main event Saturday evening at our house.  I can guarentee you, it will be fun and relaxed and informal with the emphasis on visiting with lots of good food and cold beverages. Friends can come early and stay late and just enjoy being together. BUT, if classmates want to do something else, we will be okay with that too.  Majority rules. 

I was thinking if we didn't have to pay for a place; we could afford the photo booth (which would be fun) and we'd have lots of neat wacky photos to remember our 45th reunion by. Also, I think we had some classmates that didn't come because of the expense.  If we can keep the expense down, maybe they will come next time.

Anyway, thanks for all your hard work.  I appreciate you.

07/24/12 12:37 PM #8    


Kathy Lee (Ford)


I intended to post some pictures of previous class reunions, younger school days, etc.  I just never got that done.  But, tonight hopefully, I can get some on there that Johnny shared on fb from the parade and the park.  I have a few on my camera from Friday and Saturday night, but hopefully others will share, so I can add more.

I love the idea of having it at your house, if you guys are up for it.  And I agree the photo booth will be so fun.  I hated that we couldn't afford to have it this year! 

I created a short can click on "Class Reunion Survey" on the left column.  I wasn't sure what questions to ask.  I can edit it and add or take away or change, so if you look at it, let me know and I can change as needed.  I also will try to update the home page and others, as well.



07/25/12 02:34 PM #9    


Sharon Moffett (Thompson)

Kathy, you are doing a great job with our website!  I don't know how to load any photos - that's why I don't have a picture on mine. 

Last night, Joe Bob took the survey on our home computer.  I'll take it here at work.  We agree on most, but do have some different ideas on some things (if I just can remember what it is! ha, ha, ha)

We do want to do something for our 60th birthday party.





07/25/12 07:45 PM #10    


Kathy Lee (Ford)


When you post in this message forum, look on the will give you an option to add a photo....then a dropdown box appears that will let you pick the one you want to add.....I can't remember, but I think its says yearbook photo....just click on it and "voila"  there you are!!


07/26/12 09:44 AM #11    


Sharon Moffett (Thompson)

Thanks, I'll try it!

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