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Progress Report 1958

Filmed in the fall of 1958, our senior year

This "Progress Report" was filmed featuring Will Rogers teachers and students, dressed in their Sunday best, portraying classroom scenes of the various departments. The story line is: Principal Raymond Knight greets the parents of junior Bill Vanburkleo, both in the first graduating class of 1940, and gives them a tour of the school during its 20th year. (The Class of 1959 was the 20th class to graduate.) It's kind of comical to watch Dr. Knight reading from a script on his desk, while Dr. and Mrs. Vanburkleo ask him questions. The production was filmed by John Black, stagecraft director, who also served as the narrator, and Pierson Powers, the photography teacher. (Do you remember Mr. Black's voice making those PA announcements?) The film was rescued from the trash bin by an alert secretary to the principal, Sandra Muckelrath Weiss of the Class of 1959. It was taken to a commercial video store to be converted to digital. The focus is very bad, but you can make out most of the people.