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Sally Flora French

Profile Updated: July 27, 2019
Sally Flora
Sally Flora


Sally Flora


Sally Flora


Yes! Attending Reunion
Residing In
Wagoner, OK USA
William H. (Bill) French
Retired from state mandated digital mapping of Wagoner County to connect with land data base. (I loved it!!!) Sculptor/artist
Christopher - 1961
widowed in 1963
William H French III 1966 (remarried in 1964
Kevin More…Dallas French 1966
Kelly Scott French 1966 (twins)

Helped raise over 100 teenage foster children -
Received Grant from Ball State Univ to explore endurance and properties of simulated marble. Muncie, Indiana
Moved from Indianapolis back to Wagoner, OK in 1979 - Activites are scuba diving over 55 years, puppet shows, magic shows, artistic pursuits include : Simulated marble, fiberglass, watercolor, caricatures, sculptures in bronze on cold cast bronze, hydro stone, ceramics.
Hobbies: Reading, traveling, scuba diving, have published one childrens activity book with accompaning cd , did illustrations too.
currently producing : Sallys Sagas....to be announced. ....Husband still working ...mostly I do photography, sculpture, write poems and stories, and love having grandchildren...Sister Lisette and i very close - Recently won prize at Broken Arrow Museum for chrome plated steel Mobius strip which sold soon after. yea!) Assisted Judi Grove in 2007 to start "Breast Impressions" to profide funding for those who could not afford diagnosis/ etc..4 years later Judi received "Entrepreneur of the Year". Started the wagoner Playhouse in 1981-directed, produced and acted (favorite Gooch if Mame) and Mama Peterson in Bye Bye Birdie. Entertain with comedy skits....taught sigh languare of the Deaf.

School Story

It was NOT funny...as school let out my girlfriend and i were half way down the set of stairs when she slipped and bounced down the remaining stairs...bounce, bounce, bounce...books flying all over, crowd moving around..I was alarmed she be hurt, much less embarrased, and said (at the bottom o f the stairs) "Are you ok?????" but the sight ol her slinky like bouncing down the last set of steps was quite a sight and my concern was interspersed with laughter. ..like crying and laughing at the same time. It was awful!!! The genuine concern while giggling at the slink like twirling as uncontrolable...Fortunately she was fine but I don't think she ever forgot it.
Guess the funniest was the alligator in the hall, or the "greased pig"..... we used curlers with those wires in them and they were quite uncomfortable but that was before warm curlers were invented. i walked to school and back every day. Loved going to TU. My favorite classes in school were Doris Niles Drama class and Mr Hogues art class....loved swing dancing too. it was a fun time for me.

What Items on your Bucket List have you achieved?

Scuba diving, Sculpture awards, traveling to many countries, living long enough to see my grand kids graduate, Assisting with the sculpture of "Secretariet" triple crown winner commissioned by Jocelyn Russell, prominent wild life artist. Teaching cold cast bronze, being loved by many and by my family, Publishing my book - with cd of poems and stories...one being our class poem, "To Strive, To Seek, to Find, and not to Yield" accompanied by Mormon Tabernacle choir....That was awesome . Riding the dolphins, swimming with the sting rays, diving with the nurse sharks, Going to Alaska and flying up to the Glaciers...and Hawaii where all is beautiful.. Only thing I didn't get to do was visit with koko the Gorilla who knew sign language....but she died before i as able to do that one.aw yes I would still love to see Paris, France

Which Elementary and Junior High School did you attend?

Sydney Lanier Elementary, and Woodrow Wilson Junior High

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Sally Flora French added a comment on her Profile.
Jul 25, 2024 at 11:08 AM
Sally Flora French has left an In Memory comment for Charles Campbell.
Oct 29, 2020 at 10:27 AM

This story has remained untold for so long....I really wanted to thank Charles again but didn't know where he was.  It was in Art Class that my girlfriend and I were constantly being tormented by a fellow who sat in front of us (who shall remain nameless!)  He threw spitwads designed to go down the girls blouses and stuff like that...this went on all the time..comments, spitwads, you get my drift. At some point after days and days of ignoring him or trying to ignore him , he turned around and said to me in a taunting way..." Sally's a virgin..Sally's a virgin.." After day after day of his constant comments I responded with "I am  NOT!" Whereupoon Charles got this odd look on his face....  after a moment he asked me.."Sally do you know what that means?"   I answered "No, "    and Charles said, "Well,  when you go home, look it up and I think you will find lthat it's not a bad thing to be."    Now this was 8th grade...How many people would say that?  I can't believe  I was so naive .T o  this day I am grateful for his kind comment and I do not know if anyone else would answer that way. Nice guy! Funny the things you remember . Charles will always be a hero in my book!

Sally Flora French has left an In Memory comment for Harvy Fortney.
Oct 29, 2020 at 10:09 AM

Harvey was a friend of my boyfriend - he was always fun to be around - The story I remember the most is when he would talk about his dad.. His mom would make these

delicious pies....everyone got a piece if they wanted one....then Harveys dad would spit on the rest of the pie and put it up so noone would eat it. Ha! i Think at time we were taking avout the funny things our parents did....(like they were real people...)    So Im posting this  to enjoy the sharing...I hate to see our deaceased  list with no comments like they didn't exist. Harvey was always a nice guy around me.

Sally Flora French posted a message. New comment added.
Aug 08, 2020 at 6:04 PM

Posted on: Jul 28, 2020 at 11:20 PM

What a wonderful writing Sonja, thanks for sharing that will us..When I was checking with the The Tulsa World about photographs for the portrait of Doris Niles, I remembered that David had taken the pictures for the article "Teacher of the Stars". The research and archive dept of The Tulsa World said she would check into that for me to see if those photos could be sent to me. I added who had taken the pictures and she said..."oh well, then I 'm sure we can find them because David was very methodical and precise about all the photos he took, so that they were dated, documented and filed for easy access. It makes it so much easier to find them now.' i was encouraged and sure enough within the next day she called to let me know she found them and would send them on. Somewhere I remember an article that commented on his pear shaped body and how he loved to eat. but above all his photography was his passion and his co workers knew the outstanding results he could get.
The best one was Ms.Doris Niles, sitting in her chair with her cat. Let me know if you would like to see them and I'll find it for you. Sally Flora-French

Sally Flora French added a comment on her Profile.
May 08, 2020 at 10:40 AM
Sally Flora French posted a message. New comment added.
Aug 27, 2022 at 5:35 PM

Posted on: Jan 05, 2020 at 4:34 PM

a few images among many that occupy my time and happy moments...so many more. mostly i love sculpting people....but writing and photos are fun too!

Jul 27, 2019 at 4:49 PM
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Posted: Apr 25, 2018 at 1:56 PM