15-Year Reunion


Dear Classmate,


This letter is to inform you that we are working on our 15 year reunion.  We are really hoping for a great turnout this year, as we would love to see as many classmates as possible.  We have put a lot of time and thought into the planning, but we are always open for ideas and/or suggestions as we truly want this to be a reunion that everyone will want to attend and enjoy.  We are also looking towards the future and thinking that maybe for our 25 year reunion we could do something a little more upscale, so this time we are trying to be frugal with our money.  We are hoping to be able to build up some savings in the account from this, and the next reunion, looking toward to a more formal 25th. 


Our 15 year reunion will be held on Saturday, September 26th, at 6:30, upstairs of Sideliners.  There will be a cash bar for beer and pop, and you will be able to go downstairs for any mixed drinks – please, no carry-ins. We are considering a golf outing that morning, but not sure how many people would be interested in participating.  If you would like to see a golf outing (or have any other suggestions for things you would enjoy that weekend) please, be sure to let us know.  We are asking that you pay a minimum of $10 per person that will be attending the reunion, with any extra money going as a donation to a future reunion.


See you in September!

Allyson, Wes, Kathy, Adam, and Hope


Kathy – kathylstreib@hotmail.com; Adam - schwartz.adam@gmail.com; Hope – hopeyliz@hotmail.com

