Gail Gaynell Satterfield Wilson

Profile Updated: March 17, 2008
Gail Gaynell Satterfield
Residing In: Vicksburg, MS USA
Spouse/Partner: Danny Wilson
Occupation: Office Administrator--The Nordal Clinic.
Children: Pierre-Pomeranium-born 11/26/2006

Since graduating high school I got married to Danny Wilson in 1996.I went to Hinds school of nursing in 1991,I graduated, but did not appreciate the value of a good education. So after working @ The street clinic fo 12 years, I went back to college @ 34 years of age. I graduated in 2007 with two of my 1988 classmates, Dexter Johnson and Jada Simpson Bush.( How Ironic) I was inducted in to the Phi Beta Kappa National honor society in October 2007 and I became an AAPC Board Certified Medical Coder in November and graduated Cum Laude in December 2007. I recieved my degree in Health Information Technology/Medical Coding. I am currently the Office Adminstrator @ The Nordal Clinic (Psychology). Oh, I also graduated from the school of LIFE. I guess we can all say " If I had known then what I know now----

School Story:

Oh My Goodness, Has it been 20 years? Seems like only yesterday me and my best friends Tracie Lloyd and Gwen Williams were terrorizing the hallways of WC. We wreaked havoc at the football games. I also remember the boys wearing the mini-skirts. I remember being maid of honor in Gwen's wedding when we were in the 11th grade. She's still married to the same man. (Go Gwen). I still have my two best friends. I always said we were Awesome!!!! I CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE YOU CLASS OF 1988!!!