Welcome VIKINGS! Plans are in the works for WCHS Class of 1989 - 20th Year Reunion in Vicksburg, MS.  It will be exciting to see the faces we haven't seen in years, along with the ones we've been keeping up with all this time!   

Create your profile by clicking on "Classmates Profiles" and choosing your name,  so we can contact you for this reunion and for future events.  Don't be afraid to enter your address and other info...there is a box to check if you don't want EVERYONE to see this kind of info.  Only the 9 committee members will see it and I promise we won't give the details to your groupie fans!  We need addresses and emails to KEEP YOU UPDATED, and to send your reunion paperwork.

This site is totally free for each user.  And there are NO crazy POP-UPS (WooHoo!), so please help make this the best class website EVER!  Photos, announcements, comments on the message forum, and on the "In Memory" section are all encouraged.  Re-discover your love for 80's music, movies and 80's arcade games while you're here, or email an old friend.  If you have any questions about anything on the site, click on the "contact us" link on left and ask away!  If you have any problems logging in, also use this link...I can usually have you back up and running in no time....cuz I don't want you to miss a thing! 

And by the way...TURN IT UP SOME!

Hope to hear from YOU!