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Alex Suprise

Profile Updated: June 24, 2017
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Yes! Attending Reunion
On a 1-5 scale, with 5 being the highest, I would rate my knowledge of beer as:

3. I know how beer is made and the various styles.

My first beer was:

Miller High Life

My favorite style of beer


My favorite brewery:

Miller/ Any Microbrewery

My experience with home brewing:

I've never tried brewing my own beer.

Share a personal story about beer:

I was a tester for a beer at a beer garden and the beer was brewed by Leinenkugel back in Wisconsin. It's called Croatian Park Ale. It is located on Untappd.

The first time I went to Sandbridge Beach was:

I've never been to Sandbridge Beach!

Contact me if:

Any meetings or activities/ events. I would like for people to contact me for any reason about beer. I just moved to the area and I would like to network with people about beer.
