Some School History

History of Waco High

The following was taken from the August 1945 Waco High School Handbook.

The first home of Waco High School, or Central High as it was then called, was on the lot at Fourth and Webster streets in the early 1880's. There were two buildings, and one had formerly been the Episcopal church with the bell still in the tower. This was the only public school building west of the Brazos.

In 1886-1887, these were replaced by a brick building, and in 1911, at Thanksgiving time, the new building on Columbus Avenue was ready for occupancy. Since then wings have been added to it and a building constructed as an auditorium and gymnasium. The old Baker residence, across the street, was purchased in 1942 for the use of bands and orchestras.


There was a consolidated/merger in 1986, between three old area high schools (Jefferson-Moore Lions, Richfield Rams and the "old" Waco High School Tigers) that makes up what is now the "new" Waco High School.

Keeping the traditions alive from all three schools was no easy task. So, a vote was taken to take something from each school.

  • The " Lion" mascot was chosen from Jefferson-Moore High.
  • The name "Waco High" was unanimously pulled from the historic Tigers of Waco High.
  • Plus, the school colors (scarlet, white, and gray) and the actual school site were chosen from Richfield High.

The pride from all of the old schools is still alive in one form or another. The Richfield Rams, the Waco Tigers, and the "J-MO" Lions are now one: Waco High School.

School Song

Waco High School has its own school song "Spirit of Waco High," the words of which are given below. The spirit of the Waco High School is what makes it an outstanding school. Your task is to continue to improve this spirit. It is an attitude of desiring to work as you realize that nothing of value can be secured without real effort on your part. It is the idea of loyalty to our democratic government and respect for the rights of your fellow pupils and others. It involves a courtesy that is real and that is shown at home, in the class room, on the athletic field, and outside of the school on all occasions. The true spirit of Waco High School may be summed up in these words:

  • I am proud to be a part of the Waco High School.
  • I am doing my part to learn in order that I may go forth better prepared to serve.
  • I believe in and will practice the American traditions of honesty, fair-play, courtesy, and respect for the rights of others.
  • I will strive in all my actions never to bring discredit to my parents, my school, or my country.

Spirit of Waco, 

In our hearts so strong 
Gladly our voices shout the mighty song.
In battle or contest we'll ever stand by you.
Spirit of Waco, 
To Waco High School true.  

