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•   Lori Lopes (Balios)  4/24
•   Heidi Farr (Fergerstrom)  10/26
•   Yuri Anne Yoshizawa (Brinkman)  6/29
•   Ailoa Hardie (Sweet)  12/2
•   Nina Uilani Bright (Todd)  10/12
•   Sandra Yogi (Benito)  10/6
•   Alan Fukuoka  10/6
•   Eileen Mori (Mori-Mishina)  10/6
•   Keith Ah Sam  10/1
•   Lauriano Danny Salmo  9/7
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alaska
1 lives in Arizona
6 live in California
84 live in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
2 live in Nevada
1 lives in New York
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in Virginia
3 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
170 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Baldwin High School
Class Of 1979



Welcome to the Baldwin High Class Of 1979 web site.   We are excited to see that so many of our classmates are logging on.  This site is our own private on-line reunion...a place where we can get reacquainted with old friends and begin to forge new friendships.

Please continue to spread the word and invite other classmates to the site.  If you have pictures from our past reunions or fun memorabilia from good ole H.P. Baldwin High during our years there, let us know.  We'd love to include new things so that people will visit the site often. 

We'll update the site with announcements of any upcoming events. 

Looking forward to more good times! 



BHS class of 1979 20th Reunion Photo     July 1999


30th Reunion Photo     Watercress Sports Bar  November 2010


Let's Celebrate US!  Here's to 40 years!

Our 40th Class Reunion is almost here.  We will be gathering on Saturday October 12, 2019  5:30 - 9:30 pm at the Courtyard Marriott Airport Hotel in Kahului. There is still time to get the word out. We’d love to see many classmates there.

Apply on the website: H.P.Baldwin High School Class of 1979 to reconnect with old friends and make new ones!  And, if you’re not really sure if you ‘re coming....walk-ins  on Reunion night will be welcomed.....$40 at the door.

We are accepting donations of “door prizes”.  If you have a business or can solicit donations, give some gift cards or you have “white elephant” gifts from home ---please bring it on reunion night.

A few classmates have been coming together to plan a relaxed and fun event. We have had more fun than work---it's been a blast.  We can only imagine how much better the reunion night will be with so many of us there. 

"It's been a good time together
Lookin' for the warmth of the sun
Gonna be a long time together
And the best is yet to come"

Our 40th class reunion was a blast!  What a wonderful time we had!  It was great to have a chance to get reacquainted, catch up PLUS meet new friends who happen to be classmates!  Ono food, fun games, enjoyable music, wonderful prizes and wonderful company made for good times!

We missed many of our classmates who could be there this time ( but there will be more get-togethers to come)! There was a touching slideshow tribute to our many classmates who have died...Gone too soon but certainly not forgotten!

Mahalo to everyone that contributed to the success of our reunion. Thank you to all who contributed with a donation for the door prizes and grand prizes.  A special shout out to Jennie Evans Guerrero who was instrumental in getting us the wonderful phenomenal venue and hospitality of the staff at the Courtyard Marriott Airport Hotel. To the planning committee....(we grew too big to mention everyone, but you know who you are) was great working (and playing) together. 

As we near another milestone in our lives, we look forward to celebrating our 60th birthday year in 2021.  Keep posted on this website for more information.

While we are speaking of websites, please feel free to use this area to keep in touch with other classmates (now that we can add current emails). Direct other classmates to this site or to our Facebook page  H.P. Baldwin High School Class of 1979 to see what's happening and be connected. And if you have any pictures of the reunion, please upload them to this page so we can all enjoy!