In Memory

Greg Gergen

Greg Gergen

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06/15/09 06:13 PM #1    

Shena Massenburg (Edwards)

Greg will be truly missed. The Camp Kanata days were a blast!

07/14/09 11:57 PM #2    

Yolanda Morris (Gbassagee)

I think you were one of the people I missed most when i moved to NY, your smile, your wit and your personality. You are well known to my classmates in NYC. This is truly a shock.

07/20/09 07:53 PM #3    

Lisl Gerstacker (Jenkins)

I remember you liking the fact that you were sandwiched between Tanja and I at graduation! You're thought of often...we'll miss you.

10/05/09 10:03 PM #4    

Terry Medlin

We have been friends since the 1st grade. Alot of fun memories. You were really missed at the reunion by all.

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