Kenneth Kershner

Profile Updated: September 10, 2009
Kenneth Kershner
Residing In: Charlotte,, NC USA
Spouse/Partner: Heather
Occupation: Sales / Engineering
Children: Kendall Marie - born 12/20/06
Colby Brendan - born 7/16/09
Carter Jacob - born 7/16/09
Yes! Attending Reunion

Let's see..............20 years........Holly Crap!

After moving from Wake Forest on the day of my 18th birthday in the middle of my senior year (I'm really not bitter), I ended up graduating from Clemson and now live in Charlotte, NC. I still consider my self as a Class of 89 Wake Forest Graduate, even though I graduated from a school in Florida.

So I've spent the past 10 years working in corporate america making moeny for our CEO (again, I'm not bitter).

Life has been actually pretty good to me. I'm married with three kids, two of them just born in July of 2009. I kind of look like I'm expecting though ........a few pounds over the years will do that to you.

There are a lot of things I remember from high school but most are fading fast.

We still haven't decided if we are coming to the reunion or not. From looking at all the pictures of everyone, I'm not sure who I would ever remember anyway.