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11/13/08 09:54 PM #15    

Rachel Hrbolich

Kathy-- I'm dying over your recollection of "Square Root." I think he was in my Physics class. Speaking of Physics, remember Mr. Schmidt wacking his knee with the tuning fork? That was great.

I drove my husband's truck to work today. On the floor he had an un-opened vial of fox urine that he plans to use for hunting. I was half tempted to take it into work with me and spill it into the heating ducts, a la Margie Dewees. That sure would shake things up on an otherwise boring Thursday (and probably get me fired).

11/15/08 08:36 PM #16    

Melissa Scott (Defalco)

Ahhhhh, Sister Mary Mean Jean, wasn't she like 105 then? Could she still be Alive? I can still see us all listening to her go on and on when my Mom gave our AP Bio class a tour of St. Joes first Cat Scan Unit........."you've never had a headache until you've had a mylogram headache." Can't you hear her voice? Something really are right Brian forget being nice.........I see a certain teacher with a bad rug jogging around Niles in the same little shorts he wore in the 80's, sometimes with his rug(the same bad rug from the 80's) blowing in the breeze in the same little red convertable. Anyone have a guess?

11/16/08 01:27 PM #17    

Kelly McGory (Such)

Where is our valedictorian? Mr. McMahon? How about Mr. Norton, golf tour somewhere? Mr. Valent? A ski slope? It just won't be the same without them.

11/16/08 08:32 PM #18    

Melissa Scott (Defalco)

I found a great picture of Denise dressed as a nerd, since that seems to be such a great memory for a few....should I have it blown up?

11/17/08 01:53 PM #19    

Carol Wasil (Cabosky)

Thank you Amy, Maggie, and Bridgett for all you've done to organize the reunion. It sounds like it's going to be a wonderful night and I'm so disappointed that I can't make it! But,this website has helped me to catch up with all of you anyway. Everyone, thanks for all the words of support while Steve's away...we really appreciate it.

11/17/08 09:01 PM #20    

Molly Blank (Henline)

I Think you should definitely bring your picture of Denise. I have a recent picture of Denise dressed up like a "nerd" Things have not changed that much. She is still making everyone laugh!!!

11/18/08 09:05 AM #21    

Melissa Scott (Defalco)

I think I will scan it and enlarge it. No, I guess they haven't.........maybe secretly Denise really wanted to be a nerd! Will be glad to see look great!

11/18/08 02:08 PM #22    

Denise Amrich (Gruden)

Alright everyone, I was pondering what to wear for the reunion. Well I have decided to dress up in my famous costume as a nerd!!!! What do you think? Yes I still like to make people laugh and no my children do not appreciated my sense of humor. Go figure, I embarras them. Can't wait to see everyone. I have been so excited and looking forward to them. I agree, it would not be the same if George Valent is not there. I my mother told me John McMahon lives in town. Where are you John???

11/18/08 10:40 PM #23    

Melissa Scott (Defalco)

Denise, If your kids are can threaten to take them to school dressed in your famous costume. When my ten year old does not get a move on in the morning and I don't have time for me, I threaten to take him to school in jamies, slippers, with full bed head! I'll bring the pic.........see you soon. Melissa

11/19/08 05:15 PM #24    

Elizabeth Entler (Arena)

It was not so much Denise's nerd costume, but the way she behaved in the costume (ladies and gentlemen, remember she did not have alcohol on board!). I remember many funny things Denise did. I think with or without the nerd costume, she will make us laugh at the reunion. Can you imagine if she consumes alcohol? I can not wait to see everyone at the reunion. We'll have a good time.

11/23/08 10:51 PM #25    

Anthony Cantelmo

All this reminiscing takes me back to an emergency assembly we were summoned to after an inappropriately passionate Howland football game pep rally... flashing back..
Mr. Harklerode "I'd like to express to you all that while at these events we all get excited and and we want to have fun. . . but we need to keep in mind that there is a fine line between fun and hurt. And now here to explain to you about hurt, is Sister Anne."
God I miss Gerry sometimes.

11/24/08 11:42 AM #26    

George Valent

Well kids, I finally put up a profile. I had a hard time finding G-rated photos. Great to see everyone's photos. Is anyone having an afterparty at the reunion or do I have to rent a hotel room at the Days Inn like I did 20 years ago? Is Alberini's in Niles or Warren? I may not be legally allowed to return to Niles so that could pose a problem. As for Denise, its obvious that we both drank the water in Vienna growing up. And thanks to Tony Cantelmo for making sure I wasn't the only one with absurd photos. I hope the renunion is going on during happy hour. Did anyone check that? See you Wednesday!

11/25/08 06:59 PM #27    

Melissa Scott (Defalco)

Alberini's is in Niles way past the mall on the left going towards girard. more towards the top of the strip.

11/30/08 02:05 PM #28    

Amy Steadman (Schweck)

What a blast the reunion was!!! It was so great seeing everyone. This website will remain up so you can update or add photos to your profile anytime. If you have pictures you want me to post in the "Photos from Reunion" tab, email them to me. Thanks everyone for making the reunion fun! We missed all of you who weren't able to make it, keep your calendars open for a 25 year (in the summer of, I don't want that year to be here too fast).

11/30/08 02:20 PM #29    

Ann Marie Scarnecchia (Karabin)

I had a great time seeing everyone at the reunion. Hopefully we won't have to wait another 10 years to see everyone. Thank you again, to Amy, Bridgett and Maggie for organizing the party, you all did a great job. And to Melissa for the decorations, I had a blast! Hope everyone has a Happy Holiday Season.

11/30/08 04:54 PM #30    

Carol Wasil (Cabosky)

WOW! What great pictures...keep 'em coming! It's great to be able to see everyone again. I'm glad you all had fun at the reunion! 2013...we'll be there!

12/01/08 09:59 PM #31    

Melissa Scott (Defalco)

The reunion really was a good time. Thanks to those who organized it. I think it turned out so well. It was nice to see everyone and hope we all keep in touch via the web site.

12/04/08 12:39 AM #32    

Katherine Lasko (Rolefson)

Thanks for posting the photos and sending us an e-mail to know they're there. Since I wasn't able to make it, I was curious to see everyone who went. I have to admit though, I have no idea who a lot of people are b/c everyone has changed so much! Well, except Lenee and Mike Misocky, who apparently haven't aged a day in the past 20 years!!!! Any chance someone can put the names of people in each photo somewhere by the photos?

12/04/08 07:44 AM #33    

Melissa Scott (Defalco)

I see that Dave Seikel must have gone out with you guys after the reunion. We kept in touch for a long time but lost track of each other and I haven't talked to him in years. anyone have an email address or other info? I would like to get in touch with him.

12/04/08 09:08 PM #34    

Amy Steadman (Schweck)

I put the names of all classmates in the photos for those of you who can't recognize us. Melissa, I don't have Dave Seikels email address, but he knows about the website and hopefully will register.

12/05/08 10:34 PM #35    

Melissa Scott (Defalco)

saw Chris Z.'s wife and got his info today. thanks anyway. Melissa

12/07/08 01:10 PM #36    

Michael Perry (Md)

Here is a link to some pictures i have posted on my Facebook page.... while you are there looking, sign up and be my Facebook friend!

probably have to cut and paste that link in to your web browser address bar...

Great to see everyone last week and it was fun to catch up...

Happy Holidays...


12/07/08 01:14 PM #37    

Michael Perry (Md)

PS: i say we hit Vegas for our 25th reunion...then Jody Fara wont have any excuse to not make it! Valent can fly down in his plane from Colorado while Gold gets him in trouble with Air Traffic control, West Coast people wont have a lame excuse that its "too far" to travel back for and plus, its VEGAS BABY!...


ps: that was a poorly constructed grammatical sentence...looks like Mr. Moldavon didnt teach me jack in "Honors" english!...or maybe i just wasnt paying attention

12/15/08 12:10 AM #38    

Andrew Chovan

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to wish eveyone a Merry Christmas and safe New Year! It's nice to see everyone and how we all changed.

12/15/08 11:59 AM #39    

Melissa Scott (Defalco)

Think hard before you add Michael Perry as a facebook friend...........just kidding........maybe.........Merry Christmas everyone! Melissa

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