Articles about Tosa East
This page will have articles about Tosa East, it's alumni, students, teachers and other activitiess. If you have an article that you want to share, send a message via the 'Contact Us' link on the left. Include a description and a URL link to the article.
Wauwatosa East alumni have returned to school as high-school coaches ~ Journal Sentinel March 28, 2018
Mr Howard Deopke - Former teacher and guidance councilor at Tosa East. April 2018 issue of Milwaukee's Lifestyle Magazine <<< click link 4/1/18
Jeremy Scahill added to Wauwatosa East High School's "Wall of Inspiration" Scahill is the co-founder of "The Intercept" ~ March 9, 2018
Wauwatosa East ranked 10th in state by U.S. News April 26, 2017